Request – H90 inserts always on (whilst turning program off)

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    • #168711

        I would love to be able to have my insert 1 to be always on. I run a wet/dry setup and turning a program off also turns the i”nsert  out” for my wet amp off. I understand that this can be fixed with an additional external footswitch set to turn both algos off but leaves the insert/program on.

        I would like to accomplish this without using an external switch.

        I can turn agos off individually in bank mode…(leaving insert active) but that requires turning them off individually.

        Maybe a global setting for inserts always on.


      • #168735
        Eventide Staff

          Thanks for your request, I have forwarded this to the developers.

        • #168762

            I absolutely support this.

            • #168795

                Thinking about this, if insert is always on it will need to detect that it has connections and if not it will need to automatically bypass the insert so the unconnected insert does not mute the signal.

              • #168796

                  My main reason for asking for this feature is because I run a wet/dry rig. The insert is feeding the dry amp…no return to H90…out only.

                  The dry and wet amps are on all the time. At the moment, turning a program off also turns the insert off…killing the dry amp and leaving the wet amp on.

                  Wet/dry/wet would also suffer the same problem.

                  I assume it is possible to do as in Perform mode..killing side A and B leaves the insert active. But that us too much tap dancing for me.


              • #172000

                  Hi, I would also love an option for this! – I have the exact same issue.  Turning off program kills insert one – Shutting off audio to my dry amp.  Would be nice to be able to select somehow that inserts 1 (And 2) can stay active individually.  Thanks!

                • #172003

                    +1 for this feature

                  • #172062

                      Any idea if this feature is coming anytime soon?

                      Id love to run my Morningstar ML5 Switcher in Insert 1, so that any of the 5 pedals in the Switcher could be used as Insert 1 in the H90. But right now if I do so, Id have to keep the H90 on all the time, otherwise my ML5 would be muted out…

                      Please advise if this is something thats being developed.


                      • #172069
                        Eventide Staff

                          Sorry, I cannot provide a timeline for this. We do realize this is a highly requested feature and we’d like to implement something that addresses this in a future update.

                          For now, you can leave the Program active and use Perform Mode to mute either Preset A or B using the footswitches. You could also use an aux switch or MIDI controller to bypass Preset A or B.

                      • #180605

                          Just got my H90, love everything about but bummed out that a global always on insert mode is not implemented.
                          Any news on this ?

                          • #180606
                            Eventide Staff


                              This thread is a bit old and we have implemented a feature called AB Only Bypass that allows you to bypass a Program and keep the inserts active. This should resolve the issue that all of the users here had requested.

                              You can turn this setting on by going to System > Bypass > AB Only –

                              Does that resolve your issue or are you requesting something else?

                              There is no “global” insert option, you will need to go to the routing page and enable an insert to be active, and then save a Program if you want it to load with that insert active.

                            • #180632

                                Thank you so much, this works perfectly !
                                I have this effect that I like to use when I feel like it, totally depends on the mood of some songs.. gigs…
                                But.. I also wanted to have it inserted into the H90 to place it before… after… in parallel of other sweet programs to create some unique sounds.
                                I just have to manually add my insert into each program I use and with Global AB Only bypass this works really well !

                                many thanks for the quick reply and have a nice weekend

                              • #180633
                                Eventide Staff

                                  You’re welcome. Glad to hear this works for your setup!

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