revolution of reverbs

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    • #105612

      There will ever be the possibility for eventide to support convolution technology?algorithms even more complex and personalized will be created with the introduction of this thing

    • #117443

       Who knows what the future will bring….

      Thanks for your suggestion!


    • #117447
      Sonic Nomad

        Why not take it a step further and make it a sort of dynamic convultion that will make replicating various EQ's and dynamics possible as well. this would be nice if done proper.

      • #117449

        That's exactly what it does…a convolution reverb 'copy' the impulse response of the place where the signal is means that you can use this instrument in many other ways…to give you a very stupid example:if you play the signal with a pillow in front of the speakers and then create the relative impulse,the 'reverb' created will simulate the playing of the source you would have chosen like it was played throught a pillow ,all with a nowhereelse realism.Use your imagination with the h8000/VSIG possibilities…

      • #128600

        Convulution is great for realistic reverbs, but why go for realistic? The heavily modulated digital reverbs sound also great and most of the reverbs i hear in real rooms sound awful to my ears…..


      • #128601

        Aggreeable.What i want to say is considerate the utilisation of the convolution 'instrument' that infact gives alone an infinite array of utilisation possibility,as i explained above..


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