Ribbons locked to CC#1 Modwheel

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    • #116133

        I love the H9 series of plugins, but they have a massive performance drawback. There is no way to remap performance controls. This is especially bad with the Modwheel. I don’t want the Modwheel controlling the ribbon when I already have it mapped in my synth.

        The only way to fix this is to add a MIDI filter in front of the plugin, blocking CC #1 from being sent to the Eventide plugin in question, and then using my DAW to map my actual ribbon controller, or some other knob, to the plugin’s ribbon. The problem, of course, is that this rules out any DAWs that do not give you the ability to filter Midi CC events. Bitwig is one such DAW.

        I really hope this is going to be addressed. It’s a major oversight, IMO.

      • #155988
        Eventide Staff

          Hi, what host(s) are you experiencing this behavior in?

        • #155989

            Bitwig and Reaper. Bitwig’s device chain preserves all MIDI data, and properly supports MIDI effects as well, so that one does not have to resort to multiple track routing or sends in order to get MIDI data to a VST effect.

            The MIDI data sent to an Instrument is also passed down the chain. Unless a MIDI effect VST or Bitwig device specifically blocks, or alters MIDI data, every effect receives MIDI data during performance or playback.

            Reaper works the same way as Bitwig in this regard. 

            Logic, S1, and Ableton do not support MIDI Effect VSTs or audio effect VSTs that consume MIDI data when used directly in the device chain, or as an insert. Therefore in those DAWs, the H9 plugins do not receive the CC data from the track or controllers.

          • #156041
            Eventide Staff

              Okay, thanks for the detailed report and description. We'll try to reproduce on our end and then look into a fix.

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