I’m experimenting with controlling my Rose with MIDI and sending LFOs to different parameters, it’s a lot of fun 🙂
I’ve noticed that when sending an LFO to the Filter, while getting the desired effect, there’s also some added noise along the sweep of the filter. it almost sounds like a scratchy pot…
I was wondering if that’s just the nature of the filter circuit? or maybe something is wrong with my pedal?
I’ve recorded a short example to demonstrate the noise. all the controls are at minimum except for the Mix which is turned all the way up (see screenshot). the LFO is only controlling the filter.
You can listen to the clip here.
I thought that the USB connection might cause the issue, but it also happens when I’m turning the knob manually, without any MIDI connected (guitar->Rose->amp).
Power supply is the original one that came with the pedal, but I’ve also tried my Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 3 with the same results.