Routing Nightmare help

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    • #106817


        I just got a Apogee Ensemble and am using its firewire to interface with my mac.

        I have hooked up H8000FW over ADAT.

        using the I/O utility in Logic setting up a bus I can see that the audio is getting to the H8000FW from the ensemble 

        I have plugged in my speakers to the H8000FW and hear the effected signal from the ensemble.

        I can see the digital level on the ensemble flashing too, however I cannot get any sound of the effected signal from the eventide on the ensemble

        I don't know what I am doing wrong

        I am new to ADAT and sound cards so bear with me.

      • #119845
        Eventide Staff

          For obvious reasons, we can't help you with your Apogee.

          I would suggest that you make sure that you can get sound to and from the H8000 and your computer, without using any other equipment (see the User Manual for instructions). If you can't, we can try and help.

          Once this is done, if you have trouble with other equipment, you should probably talk to their manufacturers.

        • #119848

            Of course I understand 

            I just selected the metering input on the apogee and there was no level coming in from the eventide

            I have selected routing preset 24 ADAT a/b

            also the clock says ADAT  'Slipping' will that effect the output signal

          • #131036

              Sorted it.

              whats the highest sample rate I can use the H8000FW over ADAT?

            • #131037
              Eventide Staff

                Normal ADAT is limited to 48kHz (the restriction is the bandwidth of the optical system).

                H8000FW also supports S-MUX, which will give you 4 channels at 88/96K. But, not many other things support this, and it has not been heavily tested.

                If the unit shows slipping, this will be because you have not selected ADAT as the sync source (the routing presets do NOT include sync source selection). Small slipping is usually un -noticeable (masked by source material), but big slipping causes objectionable clicks and other artefacts.

              • #131040

                  fortunatley the ensemble supports this too so i need to change this in the ensemble first before the H8000FW?

                • #131041
                  Eventide Staff

                    Sorry – don't understand the question. What do you mean by "change this" ?

                  • #131042

                      sorry Im new to this the sample rate i mean

                    • #131043
                      Eventide Staff

                        Any digital system needs the sample clock to be supplied by one piece of equipment (called the master), with everything else synchronized to the master.

                        It sounds like you should probably set up the Ensemble as the clock master, and synchronize the H8000 to it. If you are connecting ADAT from the Ensemble to the H8000, all you have to do is to set the H8000 clock source to "ADAT".

                        Another, possibly better, option is to use the Wordclock output from the Apogee. Connect this to the H8000 WordClock in and set the H8000 clock source to "WordClock". The H8000 will then track the Apogee at all times.

                      • #131050


                          I tried setting the ensemble to opitcal clock source which locked the adat on the eventide. 

                          Now i keep getting big clicks and pops on all the channel the meters are jumping?

                        • #131051
                          Eventide Staff

                            Sounds like something is out of sync. You need to have the Ensemble set to internal – this is probaly the cause of your problem. Then set the H8000 to ADAT or WordClock as described earlier.

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