saving behavior

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    • #162302

        Ok, so saving a session with emote standalone  I have a named session open, make changes . Go to Session>save. Nothing happens. Changing sessions from here pops up a box current session has unsaved changes (why, when I just went to session>save). Selecting save to H9000 brings up Default Session as a name. This is odd behavior. Im trying to save my current named session, it should automatically assume this is the session Im trying to save changes for and keep the name. The only way to save changes to the session Im in seems to be to re type the session name again.



      • #162305
        Eventide Staff

          Thanks for bringing this up. I am noticing that “Save to H9000” for FX Chain and algorithm presets is filling in the correct name automatically, so there is likely something missing for Sessions that is making it always display “Default Session”.

          If I am selecting Session > Save with either a factory session or a session I’ve created, it always brings up a saving dialog for me. I’m not sure why nothing happened for you, I’m guessing that the “unsaved settings” pop-up appeared because nothing was saved. Are you able to reproduce this issue?

        • #162312

            I’ll try and create another session, name it and reproduce. My experience was session> save saved nothing on a current user written session. Going to save to H9000 pulls up dialog box with default session as a title.

          • #162314

              Updated everything to the latest. I’m still getting the exact same behavior. Making a change in a current session and trying to save it, dialog box asks for a name and its always pre filling in the wrong session name.

            • #162315

                Presets for algos and chains are fine

              • #162328
                Eventide Staff


                  Thanks for testing this further. The issue I was concerned with was when you mentioned “I have a named session open, make changes . Go to Session>save. Nothing happens.”

                  In your latest post you’re saying that going to Session > Save will always result in the dialog box, correct? I understand that the name does not autofill the correct name and I’ve created a ticket to fix that.

                • #162390

                    Session> save initially results in a windows file explorer box and looks to save the 9ks (or something close to that) file locally. After I do that, session> save does nothing but I’m wondering if it’s just updating that file, I don’t know. Even after that, I can’t make Save To H9000 pop up to name the proper session. Typing the session name exactly asks if I want to overwrite already stored session.

                    To me, logically “Save” ought to default to save to H9000. I’m saving the session for later recall and to not lose my work. The option really should be “Save a local session copy backup” to the computer if I chose to.

                  • #162391
                    Eventide Staff

                      Thanks for expanding on this. I just tried this out and you’re right, after you do Session > Save a 2nd time there is no saving dialog, but it is in fact saving again and updating the file.

                      I agree with your suggestions, the saving structure could be improved when saving to the H9000. We appreciate the feedback. Let me know if you run into any other issues.


                    • #162392

                        thanks for your help on this

                      • #162393

                          to not start another thread on this, I just noticed another issue. If Im working in a current session standalone and power the desk down when I’m done, I come back, fire up the H9000 and emote, emote DOES show “default session” as a session title as does the H9000, meanwhile it recalls the session algos and routing I was working on upon power down. Seems like ” 000 Default session” is whatever I was just working on, even if said session was named and saved

                        • #162394
                          Eventide Staff

                            Thanks, yes the H9000 will always display Default Session when rebooted but it will actually load whatever your last session/settings were when powered off. Maybe this is related to the save to H9000 issue. The H9000 is just determined to have a “Default Session” for some reason, we’ll get to the bottom if this eventually.

                          • #162400

                              Thanks again for the attention in this issue.

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