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June 3, 2008 at 6:59 am #105661
MemberI Recently bought an Orville (with an eye on 8000FW upgrade) after a number of years on the H3500 DFX and the Eclipse. I love the Orvillle but I seem to be missing something I can't help but think must be there: there seems to be no control of wet/ dry mix that can be saved with individual presets. 3500 and Eclipse have this. Indeed, every EFX device I've ever owned has this. But, all I can find is the global wet/ dry mix. Meaning, if I want to have 50% mix on one preset and 100% on another, the only way to accomplish this is to load the preset and then adjust globally every time? I must be missing something. I've searched the manual from cover to cover–nothing. I realize I could control via midi but this is a lot of work and not practical for me live. Expression pedal is too imprecise. There must be a way to do this. But, how? Simple example: A reverb that I might use at 25% wet on one patch, 50% wet on another. How do I save this preset with 25 & 50% wet mixes?
Thanks in advance for your help to a newcomer to this forum! Kevin
June 3, 2008 at 7:39 am #117532
MemberHi Kevin
Orville can't store wet/dry mix levels per preset.
You can:
-use an external mixer/splitter to use Orville in parallel, at 100% wet.
-use MIDI CC to set wet/dry to a specific setting. No need for a pedal. A set value can be sent w/the MIDI program change from the pedalboard, if it allows to do so.
-modify presets in Vsigfile to add internal dry/wet paths and balance control.
June 3, 2008 at 3:18 pm #117535
MemberThx I.
I must say that this is very disapointing. Programming every preset with midi to control wet/dry is not a useful solution for me. I use these devices in a variety of settings (studio & live) but never in parallel. Ability to easily and quickly adjust wet/dry on a non-global basis is a must. Will 8000 do this? 7600? I may have to rethink Orville and do an upgrade or swap out sooner than expected. It's my fault. I just assumed this function would be there since previous generations had it.
Thank you for your quick response. I am hoping a quick change/ upgrade to 8000 (or 7600 if 8000 is same) wll fix this.
June 3, 2008 at 3:25 pm #128691
MemberHi Kevin
actually this is much simpler than you think. You don't need to program the system wet/dry per every single preset. Once a MIDI CC is patched to the system wet/dry balance, you simply need to send the desired value, along with the MIDI Prog. Changes you need to switch to different presets. You may also have 3 switches pre_programmed to set wet/dry to 50/50 – 25/75 – 100/0 and make your choice. It's all about the versatility of your MIDI controller.
The H7600 and H8000FW won't be different in this regard BUT the H8000FW, being based on routings, allows to route input(s) and wet signal to the same output. By remoting the I>O signal path level, you'd achieve the same goal.
June 3, 2008 at 3:42 pm #128692
MemberThx again I.
I'll have to rethink this. The way I've used Eventide devices makes this a laborioius solution. I often sit and tweak wet/dry levels and combinations of presets for hours trying to get just the right sound. Then, I move to the next sound and my wet/dry mix will be all off. This kind of work does not lend itself easily to midi pedal boards. I have a Ground Control and it is a solution for live. But, I don't typically use it in the studio (where I am more often).
Thx for your help.
June 3, 2008 at 3:44 pm #128693
MemberI use a desktop MIDI controller. One slider does what you need…very easy….tweakable for ages!
June 3, 2008 at 4:18 pm #128694
MemberThat would be an EXCELLENT solution. I've already got at least 5 "floorboards" on the floor already. What kind do you use? I do have an NI KORE controller on my desktop but I'd have to be using KORE to fire it up. I'd prefer to get something simple and dedicated to Orville/ 8000.
Finally, I haven't checked but I assume there are different CCs for DSPA and DSPB global wet/dry, right? Or, can I set it so that it controls whatever DSP I'm working on at the moment?
June 3, 2008 at 4:24 pm #128695
MemberI use a Peavey PC1600X (16 sliders+16 switches+etc…). Not sure if it's still made though. Worked always perfectly with all my Eventides. SysEx strings programming is well supported.
You can choose any CC on any MIDI channel.
My advice is to upgrade to H7600 or H8000 anyway as you'll get tons of more useful presets and modules and future upgrades….. and better control of system functions owing to resolved bugs in these later products.
June 4, 2008 at 7:53 pm #128702
MemberOne more pass at this since it appears it will dog me w/ 8000 upgrade as well:
Orville manual talks about "saving setups" which include most parameters of both DSPs and I/O. This, if it were recallable via Midi, would be the ideal solution. Even for studio work it would be good w/o midi. If I can recall a setup of both DSPs w/ all I/O and wet/dry parameters, this would be perfect.
Is there a limitation on how many setups you can store (or memory issues?)
Can setups be recalled live via midi CC?
Thx for all your help!
June 4, 2008 at 11:46 pm #128703
H8000 family with V5.2 can load setups from MIDI – it requires a MIDI program change on the appropriate channel.
H7600 will have this capability with the forthcoming V5.22 release.
User setups are stored in the same internal memory as user programs. But, they are quite small, so you would need VERY many before you ran out of space.
June 4, 2008 at 11:54 pm #128704
MemberThx! That will be an excellent solution when I get my upgrade. Frankly, it's even better than saving presets as it will save everything (including both DSPs, routing…)–much easier than programming a pedal to call up 2 differrent presets and 2 different CC changes for wet/ dry.
Do you know if Orville will do this until I get my upgrade?
June 5, 2008 at 3:17 pm #128705
I don't believe that Orville will do this. Sorry.
June 5, 2008 at 4:36 pm #128708
MemberGuess I'll have to get that 8000 upgrade going fast 🙂
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