Sell H9 : question about algorithms

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Sell H9 : question about algorithms

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    • #184793


        I’ve just bought the sublime, the fantastic Eventide H90.
        However, I will have to part with the H9.
        I bought it very soon after its release and purchased many individual algorithms (about ten) with it, which upgraded it automatically to the Max version.

        My question is: if I sell it, will it revert to its original version with its basic algorithms, or will it remain in the Max version?


        Thank you very much for your response !

      • #184794
        Eventide Staff

          Hello nicoesp17,

          The best thing to do would be to contact for them to verify what version of the H9 you have in the system. If an H9 Core or Standard has been converted to an H9 Max either by having purchased 10+ algorithms from the Store when it existed or purchasing the MaxOut outright, then it stays an H9 Max forever, even after deregistration. The upgrade follows the serial number of the pedal. Verify with Support.

        • #184795

            Thank you Joe !

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