Selling my H9’s

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    • #112400

      Hi all

      I have fallen on hard times and unfortunately have to sell my two H9's. One was the "Core" version.

      And I just recently had purchased enough extra algorithms to hit the MAXout deal so now I have ALL of them.

      I know… MAJOR bummer. I love these pedals but I ave to let them go

      So, when I sell these, what do I have to do? Erase them? Rest? IS there a difference between the "regular" version and the "Core" ( I know there isn't other than the amount of presets but want to be sure)

      Im just wanting advice on what I need to tell whomever purchases them what they are getting.

      Thanks so much for any help! Hopefully i'll get back on my feet soon and repurchase these wonderful units!

    • #127610
      Eventide Staff

        Sorry to hear that you're experiencing a rough time.

        the H9 that you max'd out, will always be a Max. The buyer will be getting a Max but you'll need to deregister it. Your other H9, the Core I presume, will be sold as a core. It also must be deregistered so that the new owner can register it.

        the algoritms that you purchased to max out will stay in your account so, if you buy a Core or standard H9 in the future, those algoritms will work on it.

      • #138477

        Thanks for your help. I have a question. I am totally confused as to how this "MAXED out" works. I have two pedal and when I use my iPad with them, it shows that I have all algorithms for both pedals available so…

        How do I know which one is actually the one thats Maxed out? And, how do I tell which one is Core?

        So sorry to be an idiot.

        When I sell these, do I tell the buyer that the one thats Maxed Out will have all the algorithms for him/her?

        Just lost on this and how it works

        Thanks for any help!

      • #138478

          If you click on the Settings button in the bottom right hand corner of H9 Control and go to Eventide Account, it will show you there which stompbox is the Max and which one is the Core.  The Max should also show Max on the display when you power it on. (If it's not doing that, use the Restore Purchases function under settings to sync with our server.)

        • #138482

          Thanks so much for the speedy response and help!

          But just so I am totally clear (since I'm an idiot) the H9 that is MAX (I see that listed now like you said it would be) when I sell that to someone, they get ALL the Algorithms rights? Automatically ? I just send it to them and they are red to go with all Algorithms?

          I promise I will leave you all alone after this is answered HAHA!

          Thanks again for being such a great community. Hopefully I won't be gone too long!

        • #138483

            Dajzilla, I'd be interested in your Core, let me know your email address, and be sure to get top value for your Max unit. Best of luck and you'll always have your max status for the future.

          • #138484


              But just so I am totally clear (since I'm an idiot) the H9 that is MAX (I see that listed now like you said it would be) when I sell that to someone, they get ALL the Algorithms rights? Automatically ? I just send it to them and they are red to go with all Algorithms?

              Yes, you just send it to them and they get all of the algorithms automatically.

            • #138485
              LA Keys

                I too have a MAX and a CORE.

                About finding out which one is a max and which one is a core:

                Although both have the same (all) algorythms, the MAX will show "MAX" when you power it (plug the power adapter), the core will show "CORE".


              • #138533

                  Hey, I can't unregister my max….any suggestions?

                • #138534


                    Hey, I can't unregister my max….any suggestions?

                    Well, what does the error message say when you try to unregister it?

                  • #138535

                      There is no error message….it just remains after I click OK….I did remove my old SPACE without issues

                    • #138536

                        Doesn't say anything….I click OK and it is still registered. Had no problems unregistering the Space

                      • #138537

                          Are you trying to do this on the website? You have deregister an H9 with H9 Control.

                        • #138929

                          Not exactly. If they don't setup an iTunes/Eventide account then yes. The purchased algorithms are tied to your account not the device. This means when they register the H9 to their account, it will revert back to a Core.

                        • #138930
                          LA Keys


                            This means when they register the H9 to their account, it will revert back to a Core.

                            geezbill, this is bringing even more confusions. Confused

                            Here is what should be said: it will revert to a core if it was bought as a core and not upgraded to a MAX. It will stay a MAX if it was uprgraded to a MAX. (once a MAX, always a MAX)


                          • #138931

                            Yes, guess i'm confused too. I thought the Algorithms were tied to the User/iTunes account not the device. Otherwise, someone would just buy 4 cores and a Max then sell the 4 cores as Max's for a nice profit.

                          • #138933
                            LA Keys

                              Yes it is confusing!!!

                              Let me explain:

                              First, It is true that the algorythms are tied to the user account, not the device. If you then sell your H9  you will sell the device (core or regular) but NOT the algorythms you bought.

                              BUT, there's an "exception". If you buy all the algos needed for a core (or the regular) to become a MAX, the device itself become a MAX. 

                              So, lets say you buy 2 COREs, then buy all the algos needed for 1 CORE to become a MAX. They will both have all the algos as long as they are both registered to you. Then if you sell the core that you upgraded to a MAX, the buyer will have a MAX. If you sell the other (not-upgraded) core, the buyer will have a core.

                              Hope this help


                            • #138934

                              So how do I get the algorithms that the user has registered under their account?

                              Someone is selling a H9 Core with 3 algorithms that he purchased.

                            • #138935
                              Eventide Staff

                                The algorithms stay in his account. When someone sells the hardware, the algorithms associated with that model go with the hardware. In other words, if you buy a Max you get all the algorithms, if you buy a core you only get the algorithm that was included in that model (H910/H949). 

                              • #138938

                                So the seller can sell the H9 Core with default algorithm only, and if he decides to buy another H9 Core in the future, he can use the algorithms he purchased and load them into the new H9 Core or regular H9. Correct?

                                And how can I, as a buyer, get the algorithms that someone else has bought?


                              • #138946
                                LA Keys


                                  And how can I, as a buyer, get the algorithms that someone else has bought?

                                  You cannot … (Unless you buy them again on your own account)

                                  This has "nothing" to do with Eventide since it is iTunes rules. Like anything else you buy on iTunes it is not transferable. (Yes, I know it sucks)


                                • #138954

                                    Well if you buy a H9 Max second hand you effectively would be buying alogorithms others have bought.

                                  • #146633

                                      I’m dredging up this old thread because I am now in the same situation.

                                      Hard times have befallen me and I need to sell off some gear.

                                      I have a Max and a Core.

                                      The Core was synced to my account using H9 Control so it now has all my (Max) algos loaded.

                                      If I sell the Max and keep the Core will I still have access to all the (Max) algos I loaded onto my Core?

                                      I realize the Core will still funtion as a Max if I don’t sync it but I’m wondering about what happens if I sync the Core to my H9 Control.

                                    • #150799

                                      If I sell both H9’s, one a Max and one a Core, will they both be transferable to the new owner with all of the presets contained on both?

                                      • #150800
                                        Eventide Staff
                                          kobyphoto1 wrote:

                                          If I sell both H9's, one a Max and one a Core, will they both be transferable to the new owner with all of the presets contained on both?

                                          Yes, presets will stay the same if you sell both to one owner. If not, the buyer of the Core won't be able to use most presets after registering the unit with his new Eventide account (except he has a Max or has purchased algorithms before).

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