Send MIDI Clock from iPad to H90 – via USB C?

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    • #177278

      Since MIDI Clock doesn’t like to be send wirelessly (so no MIDI Clock via Bluetooth),
      I thought that I might be able to send MIDI Clock via a USB cable (iPad = Lightning, H90 = USB C).
      However, this doesn’t appear to be working.

      Anyone any experience with this?

    • #177280
      Eventide Staff

      Correct, no MIDI clock over Bluetooth since the connection speed is not fast enough to be accurate.

      You can send clock via USB. Make sure you have configured the H90 to use MIDI Clock in the Tempo Menu, and that the clock source is USB.

    • #177289

      Yes, but can I send MIDI Clock from my iPad (via its lightning port) DIRECTLY to the H90 (via its USB-C port)?
      That way I only need a default iPad cable between those 2 devices (lightning to USB-C).

    • #177296

      Yes, the H90 can take midi lock on its USB port. It doesn’t matter if the cable is USB 2 or USB C.

      You would set this up in the midi host program (DAW) sending the clock.

    • #177299

      And can use my iPad instead of a DAW?

    • #177302

      What are you trying  to accomplish? Because it doesn’t usually make sense to send a midi clock unless you are trying to sync different devices.

      You would need a program that could generate & send midi clock. Maybe Garageband can do this – I’m not sure.

    • #177304
      Eventide Staff

      I’m not sure if this will work with the direct lightening to USB C cable. You may need to use a dongle/adapter to your iPad for this to work properly, such as this:

      What iPad app are you using on your iPad to send MIDI clock? Does the H90 show up as a MIDI device in the app when you use the lightening > USB C cable? If not, then you’ll probably need to use the adapter.

      My iPad has a USB C connecter, and the direct USB C > USB C connection works with the H90. You can use Logic Pro or other applications to send MIDI clock this way.

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