Sent a request this AM to register H9 under different user

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Sent a request this AM to register H9 under different user

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    • #160968

        I purchased a H9 Max on Reverb, and found out the previous owner didn’t unregister it before selling.

        I found the support article for re-registering, and submitted the proper info (photo of the device w/serial number and my username).

        I’m still waiting for the account to be released from the device. Any idea how long I should be waiting for this request to go through? Is it days, or hours?

        Thanks, looking forward to trying out the H9 Control software.



      • #160969
        Eventide Staff

          Hi Ken,

          We are presently working through support requests. Our team was out all last week, and we should be up to speed shortly. I would give it another day, at least. If you don’t hear from somebody at this time tomorrow, please let me know with another post.

        • #160974





          • #160976

              Hi Ken, I had the same problem. But the very good service people helped me within one day. Just send them your serial number including your buyer contract and you get a reset.

              Best regards Thomas

            • #160977

                Yep, did that first. Glad to hear.

              • #160979

                  I had a great experience with the Eventide team getting this exact same issue resolved. It only took two days the week before Thanksgiving. I saw they have responded here so you’ll be good to go shortly.

                  You’ll likely want to do a software upgrade if available and the pedal you purchased isn’t current. It can take a little while to do so plan accordingly.

                  It gave me time to look into other features I had forgotten about or never used before. So Much power and flexibility. I use the H9’s tuner now as it freed up space on my pedal board for a 2nd H9. I had also forgotten the looper feature and I’m learning that along with setting a Barn3 switch to enable it start/stop.

                  The last thing I discovered was the ability to change the device name which is then reflected in the iPhone’s Blue Tube device list. This is important for me as I a total of three H9’s on two different boards and depending on which one I take to play out it eases the setup with my iPhone when we load in. I added labels to pedals themselves too.

                • #161031

                    Thanks to the support team who solved my registration issue first thing this AM!  All set, and glad to join this community of musicians using the H9.

                  • #172471

                      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Mine keeps to long been waiting for almost 4 days and my re registration process is not progressing 😭</p>

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