Set the EQ65 free!

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    • #160881

        I’ve been waiting for a while, hoping that one day Eventide would release the EQ65 outside of the anthology bundle.  However, I may be waiting a while.  So I thought I’d ask if this was ever going to be a reality.

        I’m quite in to recreating classic studios, especially Basing Street Studios (circa ’73.). I’ve been slowly amassing this and that to recreate the studio in the box; Acustica’s Viridian 2 for the Helios channel strip, Eventide’s Instant Phaser, even Avid’s Reel Saturation tape emulation of the M3 M79.
        The Urei 565 Filter set is just below the Instant Phaser, and above the Urei 527…

        I love the Eventide plugins for the classic emulations, proud owner of the Clockworks collection, and though there are some stellar tools in the anthology, I can’t justify paying that much just to get the EQ65.  Will this ever be released solo?  It’d make a great Christmas present.

        Set the EQ65 free!

        (failing that, will someone please emulate the Allison Research Kepex and Gain Brains.  They are NOWHERE to be found ITB.)

      • #160882

          *3M M79

        • #160966
          Eventide Staff

            Hey, we can’t make any guarantees, but your request has been noted!

          • #160981

              Much appreciated for taking note of this. Happy holidays!

            • #161224

                A little update, Pulsar Modular are set to release its emulation of the Little Dipper…

                P565 Siren Filter Set

                If things follow in the same trajectory as its P42 Climax, then no doubt Gearspace will light up with people crying about the price.
                Then Eventide swoops in with an affordable alternative with the EQ65.
                BOOM! Merry Christmas.

                Just sayin’.

              • #161344

                  Another update…

                  Looks like Acustica have gone for the Little Dipper with the mono eq in the new Nickel collection…


                • #162078

                    🌹Roses are red
                    ✿Violets are blue
                    🍬Sugar is sweet
                    🎶And I love EQ

                    Once upon a time, the EQ65 and EQ45 plugins were released outside of the anthology for one month in 2010…


                    Four years after they were first released with Anthology 2…


                    ❤️Spread the love this Valentine’s Day, and set the EQ65 free!  Even if for a limited time, if need be.❤️

                  • #162555

                      Congratulations on the release of Anthology XII!  The intro price is delightful for what you get, and for those with plugins included, the upgrade price is equally glorious.  I was hoping, of course, for some kind of shake up, and a new deal with the Urei EQ emulations, but alas, no.

                      May I ask exactly why these are exclusive to the anthology, and not available outside of it?  It really does seem such a shame.  Perhaps a little insight would help me make sense of the reasoning.

                    • #171020
                      Eventide Staff

                        Hey, you’ll hopefully be happy to hear that EQ45 and EQ65 have refreshed UIs and are available for individual purchase!



                        • #171038


                            I can’t thank you and everyone at Eventide enough for releasing these and giving me the heads up.
                            It speaks volumes about the company when user requests are followed through like this.

                            The UIs are a dream, I particularly like how the knobs on the EQ45 now match the hardware that little bit more.

                            Right now I’ve got just noise coming from Repro-5, I’m gliding the tightest peak across the spectrum on the EG65, some long delays from the the H949, and Lg Hall B reverb from the Lexicon 224.

                            I couldn’t be happier.

                            Thanks again, and cheers for not kicking me off the forum earlier for being a nuisance.

                            All the best!!


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