Setting up a simple wah pedal in the H90?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Setting up a simple wah pedal in the H90?

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    • #175480
      Michael Howell

        Can someone walk me through (or link me to a video) how to set up a simple wah pedal in the H90?

        I know how to calibrate the mission pedal I have, but I can’t figure out how to just make a single Wah pedal in user bank 2!


        Also, the Heel OFF Wah function needs to be added to the H90 like yesterday…

        Fractal and Line-6 have had this for years and it’s needed badly.


        Thanks for any help!

      • #175482
        • #175510
          Michael Howell

            Hey thanks, I finally got a workable Wah sound after an hour or so with A= Q-Wah and B=Plate.

            Would still love to have a heel-down = Wah Off setting at some point.

          • #175513

              Cool.  It takes a few adjustments to the wah range to hit the sweet spots.  Keep in mind there are always a few different ways in the H90 to ‘skin the cat’ (using Sculpt, CrushStation, etc.).

              I want to say I’ve already seen some consideration here for Wah Off, in FR discussions with Eventide staff.  I’d imagine it might work along the lines of Auto Engage in the PolyFlex algorithm.

            • #175516
              Michael Howell

                So thanks for the reply. I have also noticed that my IR-X is muffled (not the right word) when the dual mode is on running the wah and a plate verb patch. Is there a particular setting that causes this? I tried adjusting the different pots/settings but nothing works to fix this blanket effect unless I bypass the whole patch itself.

              • #175525

                  I’m afraid I can’t help you there.  I settled on Insert Mode long ago after a lot of experimentation.

                  I suppose (winging this) you could try Hot-Switching the In Gain on the wah side, in lieu of Bypassing the whole Program.  For that matter, I think it’d be the same as Bypassing Preset A (or B) alone.  But I have the feeling that I am missing what you’re really after.

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