Should i wait for something new?

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    • #105622

      I got a question.Finally the moment to buy the h8000 come,but i saw on your last post Italo a lo t of works are in progress in eventide.I don't want to buy a machine that will become in a few months surpassed by some other new technologies…(convolution or some othr genial ideas from the eventide engineers).Should i wait or in some ways my h8000fw wil be upgradeable?

    • #117460


      there's no reason to wait. The H8000Fw is the mothership and will stay there, for time to come.


    • #117462

        I had the same question about the H-8000 FW. I am going to get it pretty soon, but if something better or improved is on the works I don't mind waiting a little longer.

        Italo, can you tell us if something is being cooked in Eventide?

      • #128592

        Same answer as above applies.


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