Signal Chain for all 4 factor pedals and connections/setup

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    • #111871

        Hi everyone,I just finished my factor pedal collection and now have all 4 pedals.Any suggestion on the pedal signal order? Also if I want to do stereo do I need to use both output jacks out of the first pedal in the chain,or could I use 1 cable to link the pedals and then go 2 cable stereo out of the last pedal in the chain? Thanks

      • #126584

          I’d probably settle on the Modfactor in mono in front of the
          amp and run the other three in the amps effect loop or after the pre amp. If I
          really wanted the Modfactor in stereo, I run it after the preamp.  But all that would depend if you are going
          into two clean amps in stereo or to a dirty amp with a stereo power amp.

          I use an Egnater M4 preamp into a VHT 2/50/2; analog effects
          in front of the pre amp and digital after.

          Out of the preamp, I go mono into the Pitchfactor, then
          stereo out into a splitter that splits the left and right signals 3 ways (6
          total), First L/R into Space, Second L/R into the Timefactor. The third L/R
          pair plus the stereo outputs from the Timefactor and Space all go into a RJM
          mini mixer output to stereo.

          The Pichfactor is in relay mode so when it’s not active, the signal
          is pure and not converted. The Timefactor and Space have killdry on with DSP+FX and are in
          parallel so they don’t muddy each other up. When the Pitchfactor is active, the
          Timefactor and Space get the pitch altered signal so harmonies and Whammy
          effects get delay and verb.

          Running them like this is absolutely stunning but most
          people would be terrified of a routing this complex.

          This simple version would still be Modfactor in front of the
          preamp, then out the preamp into the Pitchfactor mono, then stereo out of the Pitchfactor into the Timefactor and stereo out into Space.

          Still have the Pitchfactor set for relay but have Timefactor
          and Space set for DSP+FX.

          I really like having the Timefactor and Space in parallel but
          it all depends how you want to chain the effects.

        • #126585

          my setup pitch –>mod–>time–>space–>amps.  stereo started out of the pitchfactor and continued all the way through all other factor pedals to two amps.  This seems to work best for me.

        • #126615

            Right now I'm just running them direct from a piezo electric guitar to a mixing board just to play around and get some sounds before I fully incorporate them into the rack.

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