Simple Midi Switcher for H9

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    • #112852

      Forgive my ignorance on this issue, but all I am looking for is a small midi switcher, 4 to 8 channels max, so that I can stomp on any of the buttons to change presets on the H9. The Up and Down business is doing my head in (and just this morning I’ve fixed the encoder/switch which had stopped “clicking” – thanks for that fix, Jerome). To be clearer, let’s say Button 1 for Preset 1, Button 2 for Preset 2, etc.

      Or is it that Midi can only do the up/down thing sequentially and cannot jump from say preset 2 to preset 6?

      Nothing else would be plugged into the switcher, only the H9, and I don’t need to change any parameters live. I’m a rock n roller, and need things fast and simple. Otherwise, it’s difficult getting to the presets I want on the fly in a show. I don’t have the time to get from Preset 1 to Preset 5, then back to preset 3, using the Up/Down thing, not to mention changing the direction with the Encoder/Switch. I’ve almost fallen over once or twice!

      Again, sorry for my lack of midi knowledge. I’ve read tons but can’t really find a solution to this. I believe Tech 21 Midi Moose may work for me??

    • #140573

      Yes, the Midi Moose will work for you.


      Or any other Midi controller with the layout and price of your convenience that is capable of sending Program Changes messages.

    • #140577

      Thank you, Spacejam!

    • #140582

      Disaster Area makes some nice ones that work well with H9 and are easy to program.


       I control 2 H9’s with the DMC 8D.


    • #140635

      MIDI is good if you're trying to change presets on multiple devices simulataneously.  If you're just trying to change presets on your H9, you can get an aux switch like the FS3X 3-Button Footswitch for less than a MIDI footswitch and it's easier to configure.  But if you're using an expression pedal with your H9, you might be better off just getting a MIDI footswitch, because although you can get a y cable and run both an expression pedal and a single button aux switch into an H9, you might want more than 1 footswitch.

    • #140637

      A single aux switch would be sufficient to use 2 presets in a song with a single click (no dancing) if Eventide could implement a preset toggle for the aux switch.

      1. Activate a preset.

      2. Queue a second preset (not necessarily an adjacent preset).

      3. Switch between the two with a single aux switch.

      Unless I a missing something this is a much simpler method to use two presets on a H9 than the current up/down technique.

    • #140640

      That's an interesting idea.  You can already sort of queue up a preset by using the right footswitch to increment up to it and using the active button to switch to the new preset when you want.  But you're right that there's no way to get back to the last loaded preset easily.  Most tv remotes have a function for going back to the last channel you were watching.  I suppose that this function you're describing could go back to the last loaded preset and could be used to toggle between any two presets.

      • #140652
        gkellum wrote:

        I suppose that this function you’re describing could go back to the last loaded preset and could be used to toggle between any two presets.

        Exactly.  A single switch for alternating a verse/chorus/verse effect or switching for a solo and then back again.

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