Some broken presets on my H7600

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    • #106411


        Somehow on my H7600 (ver. 5.22), there are these three presets I've founded non functioning: "1716 Hexentanz"", "2011 Eurhetemec" , "4916 DiffuseRoom #24".

        They produce loud feedback sounds. I reloaded the the os, didn't help.. All other presets work as far as I know.


      • #118998
        Eventide Staff

          You should check your setup carefully to be sure you do not have an external feedback loop.

          When you hear this feedback, does the input metering show anything ?

        • #119000

            Well, the noise starts after loading the programs.

            Only the output meters show activity, no cable is connected to inputs.

            "1716" gives rattling sound on right output, "2011" same noise, but on the left output.

            "4916", – after loading it an inaudible hi-freq. sound builds up, both out-meters goes red. If both digital & analog inputs are trimmed to -100 it'll stay quiet

          • #130100
            Eventide Staff

              If you have digital inputs enabled, but no digital input, you might get some noises.

              Set digital to -100, and try different combinations of analog input and gain trim left and right. This may point to a problem point.

            • #130119

              Yes, I have noticed the same problem on my 7600.

              It has started right after the recent (year ago or so) firmware upgrade.

              I have not found any solution – those several patches are not usable at all.

              See also my post from: 08-31-2008 2:12 PM

            • #130121
              Eventide Staff

                I'll look at the presets you mention and report back.

              • #130390

                Hi Nick,

                Did you had a chance to take a look at those broken H7600 presets?

                I know there is plenty other nice presets but it would be nice if you could fix those few not working.  They make  huge noise while selecting them.


              • #131289

                  Hi Nick and Italo + other staff

                  Preset Nr. 7716 is somehow broken too as I described above.

                  Could you please check what's the matter with these presets:

                  1716, 2011, 4916, 7716


                • #131290


                  we have found a number of presets having problems, particularly when running at 96KHz. They have been fixed while working on the H8000 next OS release. I suggest you wait for the 7600 new system.



                • #131946

                   Hello Eventide Team,

                  When we can expect new firmware for H7600?

                  The presets 7716 , 1716, 2011, 4916 and 7716 are broken. The issue appears with any sampling frequency, also with the lowest 44,1 Hz.



                • #131963

                  Another broken preset is 713 Levitation Alpha (same kind of noise as in above)

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