SP/DIF challenges

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    • #109384


        I am having some problems connecting my Saffire Pro 40 with my eventide Eclipse through the SP/DIF connection.

        I am using to SP/DIF cables. Saffire has been set to 44.1, internal clock. Eventide has been set to int 44.1 and RCA, the status on the eclipse says "unlocked" and other times "data src err".

        Saffire mix control says "sync status" locked.

        Do you have any tips or tricks?

        Kind regards,

        Jan Hyldebrandt

      • #124103
        Eventide Staff

          The fact that you get an "SRC" error suggests that the Sample Rate Converter is enabled – try turning it off. You should not be using SRC in this configuration.

        • #124106

            I have attached some images, which might show you what goes on.

            Src mode is off

          • #135092
            Eventide Staff

              It is really not clear to me what is connected to what and what the sync source is. But, I am concerned by the SRC message, which may suggest a hardware problem if SRC is off.

            • #135093

                Sorry if it was unclear.

                The saffire pro 40 is connected to the eclipse via the RCA sp/dif connections, with sp/dif cables.

                The saffire clock is set to internal and 44.1 sample rate.

                The eclipse is set to int 44.1 and digi-in: RCA.

                The ext light keeps blinking on the eclipse, so it must now that it is talking to something, although something is wrong.

                If i change the clock rate to 48khz on the eclipse, the saffire interface changes from "Locked" to "no lock", so saffire and eclipse communicates, but something is wrong….

                Hopes this helps?

              • #135094
                Eventide Staff

                  I assume your saffire is both sending and receiving to and from the Eclipse.

                  But, I see that your Eclipse is set to int44 – does this mean that the Eclipse is the clock master ? This seems unlikely, as otherwise the saffire would track it when you set it to 48.

                  My guess is that the saffire is the clock master, and thus the Eclipse clock should be set to "DigIn" rather than "int" so it will track it.

                • #135095

                    I have set the saffire clock to "internal" so saffire would be master, and eclipse to int – 44.1.

                    I have also tried to set eclipse to digin, but that didn't work either….

                  • #135096
                    Eventide Staff

                      It sounds like you need to have the saffire set to internal and the eclipse set to DigIn. If this does not do it you might want to try changing cables. Keep the SP/DIF one short.

                      Or, if the saffire has an AES or WordClock output, try using that as a sync source.

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