SP2016 The phase is invertet

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    • #182593

      Hi I recently bought a lot of eventide plug-ins, one of them is the SP2016 plug in. It is one of my favorite reverb plug-ins for drums. But I have two thing I do not like in the SP2016. One of them is minimum predelay at 1ms. I wish it was 0ms so I do not have to compensate in my daw. The second thing is the phase witch is inverted in the SP2016 so I have to compensate for that to.

      Therefore I wish for a SP2016 update with 0ms predelay and the ability to flip the phase on the reverb.


    • #182669
      Eventide Staff


      Glad to hear you are enjoying the SP2016 Reverb plug-in. This plug-in is a faithful recreation of the Reverb algorithm from the SP2016 rack mount processor. The minimum value of the pre-delay and the phase of the reflections are both features that were from the original unit, so it is not likely that these will be changed in a future update.

      However, if you change the reverb algorithm (click the red “Program” button) to one of the modern selections, the phase is not flipped.

    • #183379

      I’m currently trialling the plugin and have also noticed the phase inversion, especially on the ‘tighter’ room sounds.

      Is it recommended/common to reverse the phase on the SP2016 when using short pre delay and lower position settings to avoid the hollowness?

      Thank you!

      • #183382
        Eventide Staff

        To be more accurate, it’s only the first reflection of the early reflections that has a negative phase in relation to the input.

        It’s not necessarily recommended to reverse the phase of the SP2016 output, but if you like how it sounds and it works for your application, then go for it.

        You can also use the modern algorithms and these will not adjust the phase.

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