Split: Eventide Device Manager not working properly

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    • #159392

      Im having a similar issue. I connect my Space and open H9>Pedal>Software update. I get a message to launch Device Manager which send me to the website. I have Device Manger already installed. Launch Device Manger. Shows my serial number. I come to the main screen. Select update and I receive a message to reboot in to update mode. Reboot in to update mode and Device Manager shows “Invalid” and then crashes. I’m on a Mac. Tried on 3 different Macs and created a new Admin User. Same issue. Complete uninstall and reinstalls. Same issue. Extremely frustrating.


    • #159394
      Eventide Staff

      Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I can recreate this behavior. I’ll have our team take a look at this.

    • #159430
      Eventide Staff

      Until we resolve the issue with updating Factor pedals on EDM, users may use the Direct Updater application: https://www.eventideaudio.com/downloads/?product=Space

      Download it, put your pedal in update mode, and conduct the update.

    • #164968

      I’ve got this same issue here with my TimeFactor … Any news from Eventide Staff?

    • #164969

      No. Disappointed w/ their support. Not a cheap pedal. Expected way more. I’m al honesty, no one even reached out to me. Was planning on grabbing a couple more, but their support left a bad taste in my mouth.

    • #164970
      Eventide Staff

      Have either of you tried the solution posted recommending using the Direct Updater?


      Download it, put your pedal in update mode, and conduct the update.

    • #164971

      I have. I’m an Apple engineer. I tried everything. All 3 of my Macs have the same issue

    • #164972
      Eventide Staff

      Just so it’s clear, I understand EDM is giving you issues with your Factor pedals. Are you now saying the Direct Updater method also is not working for you?

    • #164973
      Eventide Staff

      I just tried the Direct Updater on a MacBook Pro running Monterey 12.5. Works fine, updated my Factor pedal without issue.

      • Download and install the Direct Updater for your system: https://www.eventideaudio.com/downloads/?product=TimeFactor
      • Connect your pedal to your computer via USB
      • Turn the pedal on while holding down the middle footswitch until the display says UPDATE.
      • Open the Direct Updater application (NOT EDM). It will automatically scan for any devices. Once it detects your pedal, click OK.
      • Whether the application shows the serial number of your pedal or it says INVALID, it will show you the available firmware updates regardless.
      • Choose the first option (5.2.0[6]) to highlight it in blue and click “Install Update.”
      • After about 5 minutes, you should be ready to rock n roll.

        If this is not working, please let me know at what step in the process you get stuck.


    • #167437

      I tried with both EDM, and then after I found this thread, Device Updater. I’m running a MBPro on an M1 chip and Ventura 13.0.1. When I do the steps listed by @joecozzi above, the Direct Updater application stops at “Searching for Eventide devices” and spins forever.

    • #178463

      Same here !!

    • #187251
      Buzz Jones

      I also tried everything here and can not get my Space Pedal to be recognized after following every step on this thread.

      It is not recognizing Pedal in Reboot Mode but even when I tap OK on the Select Device window and Device Manager disconnects ??

      I have Mac OS 15.1


      Any help ????


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    • #187448

      I have the same problem… any solution?

      • #187488
        Eventide Staff


        Have you tried these instructions?

        • Download and install the Direct Updater for your system: https://www.eventideaudio.com/downloads/?product=TimeFactor
        • Connect your pedal to your computer via USB
        • Turn the pedal on while holding down the middle footswitch until the display says UPDATE.
        • Open the Direct Updater application (NOT EDM). It will automatically scan for any devices. Once it detects your pedal, click OK.
        • Whether the application shows the serial number of your pedal or it says INVALID, it will show you the available firmware updates regardless.
        • Choose the first option (5.2.0[6]) to highlight it in blue and click “Install Update.”
        • After about 5 minutes, the pedal should be updated.


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