SplitEQ Dynamic Bands

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    • #161212

        Just bought SplitEQ and I really enjoy using it. Would love to see the addition of dynamic bands so I can have more control when mixing and mastering.

      • #161218
        Eventide Staff

          Hey, thanks for the feature request! We have it logged here.

          Generally, we’ve found that by EQing the transient and tonal portions of the signal separately, you can get similar results to dynamic EQ. For instance, instead of using a dynamic band to reduce sibilance, you’d just use a transient cut at the desired frequency.

          That said, we’re giving some thought to the types of problems Split dynamic bands would help solve – if you have specific use cases, we’d love to hear them.

        • #175916

            Perhaps dynamic EQ would be helpful for reducing excessive t and s sounds going into reverb without also attenuating other consonants?

          • #177499

              Or with guitar- accentuating the pick attack of louder notes without brightening up the attack of soft notes.

              • #177602

                  Or with guitar- accentuating the pick attack of louder notes without brightening up the attack of soft notes.


                  This. I currently have to mess with Pro-Q3 after SplitEQ to do more complex tonal modifications, but it would be swell if SplitEQ had dynamic bands.

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