Spring Tremolo issue

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    • #185543

      I was using the Spring algorithm yesterday, turned the Tremolo within the Spring to the “Post” position with Intensity at max and got no Tremolo at all. It works fine in the Pre position though. It likely doesn’t matter, but the intensity was set to the program’s Hot Knob, which was in turn mapped to Expression. I’ll formally report it to support.

    • #185546
      Eventide Staff


      It sounds like you may have had the mix parameter at 0.

      When Tremolo is Pre, the mix control will blend between tremolo and reverb. So if mix is at 0, you will still hear tremolo. With the same mix setting and tremolo Post, you will not hear any tremolo.

      Please try troubleshooting this behavior without the HotKnob / expression pedal mapping so you can get the hang of how it works. Let me know if that helps.


    • #185564

      Thanks for getting back to me! The mix level was low so that was indeed it! But, as it stands today,  what you guys built is not actually “Post” Spring Reverb Tremolo though is it? It’s actually “Wet Signal Tremolo”. In the Post position, the Tremolo only seems to impact the reverberated signal and I don’t hear it affecting the dry signal. That’s not what the name Post implies.

      If I may, I’d kindly suggest a feature request to add a new option for a proper Post Tremolo, and rename the existing “Post” option to “Wet”. So there would be 3 options: 1) Pre, 2) Post (new), 3) Wet (currently named Post).

      Why? I had assumed, in a “Spring Reverb” emulation, that the Post option was added to emulate the classic “Vibrato [Tremolo] after Reverb” that was found in the Fender Princeton Reverb. There, the Tremolo will modulate the Dry signal as well as the Reverb. It is literally an independent Tremolo placed in series after the Reverb in the signal path. Instead, the Eventide version of a Post reverb exists solely within the wet signal.

      From my perspective, this is 1) unintuitive, 2) complex (the Tremolo depth is controlled by Intensity, Reverb Mix, and Program Mix controls) and 3) historically incorrect behavior in the context of the Fender Princeton Reverb amp design. I’m not aware of any classic guitar amp with reverb where the Tremolo impacted the wet signal only.

      So, I’m glad it’s not a bug. But I hope you’d consider a feature request for more intuitive behavior and perhaps a new option, while renaming the existing option.

    • #185570
      Eventide Staff

      Thanks for taking the time to look into this further. Glad to hear that this is not a bug and it sounds like the expected behavior for how the algorithm works.

      I understand that an additional mode when the tremolo was fully post the dry+wet signal would be desirable, and I’ve logged your request for this.

    • #185572

      Thanks very much!

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