Stereo routing

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    • #111214

        I'm trying to save a few bus sends on my mixer.  I'm using both the PitchFactor and the Space.  Can someone tell me if the stereo inputs are summed to mono?  I understand that the stereo image is preserved in the original dry signal on the outputs.  If I'm using the Eventides with mix set to fully wet and feeding them with mixed mono inputs (L+R) so the stereo dry signal is mixed in MY mixer with the stereo returns from the Eventides, will this give the same results as sending stereo into the Eventides and and controlling the wet/dry mix in the Eventides??  Or do the Eventides process each side of the stereo input separately??

        I hope this makes sense!

      • #125068

          Nobody?  I guess what I'm asking is if the pedals are "true stereo"?

        • #125069

            Some Space algorithms do sum to mono before processing the signal like Blackhole for instance, but I don't believe every algorithm in both Space and PitchFactor do this. 

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