Stereo with 2 different amps. The signals are mixed up in the stompboxes

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Stereo with 2 different amps. The signals are mixed up in the stompboxes

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    • #113890


        I have an issue with my stereo configuration.

        I use 2 amps and i connected theire fx loops into a TimeFactor and a Space.

        I cannot explain how but my the preamp of my Mesa is sent into my Engl fx loop return.

        I’m 100% sure of my rooting. The sound is mixed in the eventide stompboxes.


        Here’s my configuration:


        Guitar >>>>> Palmer duetto mixer in A >>>>> Engl InVader in

        >>>>> Lehle P-Split

        Synth >>>>> Palmer duetto mixer in B >>>>> Mesa TriAxis in

        FX loops

        Engl InVader loop send >>>>> time factor in A >>>>> space in A >>>>> Engl InVader loop return

        Mesa TriAxis loop send >>>>> time factor in B >>>>> space in B >>>>> Mesa TriAxis loop return


      • #145211
        Eventide Staff

          The nature of your problem is not really clear to me.

          If what you are saying is that the inputs to the stompboxes are being mixed to some extent, this is to be expected, as these are stereo inputs, not dual discrete mono inputs. A stereo signal usually has a connection between the two channels.


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