Still missing features (and sorry for my outburst)

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    • #177978



        Sorry again for my outburst here;  /forums/topic/immersive-for-h9000/#post-177922

        perhaps I should explain myself a bit (or should I use bytes in this case?).

        Before that somewhat frustrated post, I just had my H9000 boot up to a clear state having lost all the latest algorithm settings and routings, again, and ended up writing in a thread I shouldn’t.

        Again, sorry if I caused any upset.


        And about the reason why.. I’ve had my good share of issues with my H9000 from the moment of purchase to this day.

        Crashes, unoccupied DSP problems, and now a couple of times losing all the settings after a normal shutdown and a fresh boot.

        I did have backups of course, but not of the very latest tweaks.

        This, adding to the years of waiting for the features I mentioned caused me to write not so politely this time.

        I ask about these features regularly about once a year and that time has come again.

        I do appreciate all the hard work done on updating the unit, but at the same time, to me it’s frustrating reading the ”keep the ideas coming” comments and all the new great ideas, still not having the long awaited core features available. I mean, 4-5 years is a length of a musical career for many. Hopefully we won’t have to wait for another..?

        Doubling the amount of algorithms and the ability to route between them running on different DPSs will make the unit a different beast altogether, so I’m really hoping to see this.

        (For the people saying that I can combine effects and do more in VSIG already; I bought the most advanced effects processor on the planet from the company that makes the coolest effects and knows how to make them, so that I don’t have to learn how to make my own. Also, not all algorithms are available in VSIG)  

        Not hearing anything of the ongoing development doesn’t help either. It would be great to read some ”news from the devs” type of stuff.

        Of course don’t put too much time and effort in that, in case you’re busy adding the features. However, some quick status updates would be nice.


        I bought the H9000 with a specific use case in mind. Also, I reasoned I could set up the effects and some of the routings to be ready when all the upcoming functionality is in place. Basically I bought into the idea of the ultimate H9000, and while that’s not quite here yet, don’t get me wrong. Sonically I’m still super happy with the device, and I do appreciate what it can do. The earlier Emote updates were nice too of course, having more convenient layouts adding to usability etc.

        When the running of 2 algorithms per core, and routing between DPSs features are added, I’ll be super happy and stop all the complaining! I will bow and thank Eventide, and I’ll tell everyone how awesome the H9000 is and what all it can do! With what I have in mind for my use case.. I think people will ask about (and see) the gear that I’m using too.

        Here are links to some of the earlier related threads I quoted, as navigating the forum isn’t too easy:




        All in good faith,


      • #177997
        Eventide Staff

          Hi bsfreq,

          Thanks for posting.

          It is not clear if you are currently experiencing issue with your H9000 as you mention towards the beginning of your post. If that is the case, please email with some more information about the issues you are having and I can suggest some troubleshooting tips there.

          Regarding your feature requests, sorry, these are not features we are currently pursuing. As we’ve mentioned in other posts, we’re a small team and we need to carefully think about what projects and features we can pursue. This is not an easy task. Advanced FX Chain routing and more algorithms per FX Chain is something we are still considering, but I cannot provide a timeline for when these features may be added.

          We don’t typically provide updates about what features may be coming in whatever the next update will be, because this can always change. However, we have already announced that we will be offering support for running Max patches on the H9000 using RNBO, and this is something we are working on for the next update. We have also had many requests for being able to run all algorithms on the H9000 at 96 kHz, and this is something we are working on as well.

          Can you be more specific with what your use case is? Many H9000 algorithms are already more than 1 effect at a time.

          This is a bank of dual algorithms with 4 inputs/outputs, which is basically the same as 2 algorithms in 1 slot.

          This bank has algorithms that use 3 effects in parallel, and 6 inputs/outputs (basically the same as 3 algorithms in 1 slot).

          As far as advanced FX Chain routing goes, a hardware mixer can allow you to route multiple FX Chains in series/parallel. An audio interface combined with mixing software or a DAW makes this easy to accomplish as well.


        • #178007

            I appreciate your reply. I can’t say I’m not a little disappointed that these updates are not around the corner, but it’s still much nicer to at least be aware of the situation, so thanks for letting me know.

            (I’ll probably still ask again in a year or so anyway. 😉. Hopefully Eventide can also see the great value in adding these. Personally I’ll buy new cards and max out the expansion slots the same day you release these updates, or actually beforehand if I hear that they’ll be released. I bet other H9000 owners would too, if the number of processed channels/algos would double. And if you can expand this even further to work at higher bitrates at some point with more powerful DSP cards, you can expect to sell even more upgrades.

            RNBO support does sound interesting, and I’m excited to try that out too! While I prefer tweaking knobs and faders over connecting virtual patch cables and building effects from scratch, would I be correct in assuming that with RNBO support I could quite easily combine multiple ready-made RNBO effects/patches to build more complex algorithms, and perhaps even midi controllable sends between them, when confined within a single H9000 algorithm?

            Will it be possible to use any type of RNBO-devices, or will there be some hard limitations? (in addition to the current I/O limits of the algorithm slots / FX chains)

            I’ve really fell in love with many of the algorithms in the H9000, and for this reason I’d really like to use them all in different combinations more freely. Something that the limited number of pre-made 2in1 or 3in1 algos won’t do, and neither will the RNBO support, unless Eventide algos were ported to RNBO. Something that surely won’t happen. However, with RNBO I might be able to tackle some of the current limitations. We’ll see when it’s released.

            Without getting too much into detail, my setup requires me to route and process multiple instruments simultaneously through the H9000 (+the MADI expansion), and even with the powerful mixer of my MADI audio interface (RME UFX+ / Totalmix FX) and OSC+midi control, I’m still maxing out the available number of algos. I get beautiful sounds combining the effects, but because I need algos for the other instruments too, I keep having to make compromises.  Currently I’m routing some instruments with the direct IO router, bypassing FX blocks altogether, but they’re going into the H9000 already, in place to get some algo loving too.  🙂

            I use scenes and load them per song / set of instruments, and I can load routings in TMFX this way too with OSC commands, but I still need some more options. I would have exactly that with these H9000 feature upgrades.

            You might say that I should buy another H9000, but no. I need to keep the setup as compact as possible, all the needed processing power is already in a single H9000, and as you’ve said, it should be possible. I simply hope to get the mentioned amount of algorithms and midi (or osc) controllable sends between them to build my dream setup!  My setup is complex, I admit that, but as I was teased with the idea of being able to do all this stuff with the H9000, I really can’t let go of it now.

            About the H9000 issues.. Yes, I’m sill having them intermittently. I’ve run the USB self diagnostics test each time I’ve run into issues, but every time I do, it gives me 0 errors.

            I received instructions to open up the unit and remove/reattach the DPS blocks, but I’ve yet to do so as I’ve been busy with other projects, and currently all the DSPs work.

            I’ll let you know when I have time to open up the unit, or I’m forced to due to some offline DSP. My H9000 sits neatly inside a fan-cooled, dust filtered rack (in a dry space), so I usually only take it out when I have to change some cables or modify the setup somehow.

          • #178022
            Eventide Staff

              More information to come once the RNBO release is ready, but the general concept is you have a RNBO patch that can be exported to a specific target. In this case, the export target would be an H9000 algorithm that can be loaded into any FX Chain slot.

              Existing Eventide algorithms would not be ported to Max/RNBO to be edited, that would be a better task for VSIg.

              It sounds like you are putting the H9000 to good use, and that is great to hear! We appreciate feedback from users such as yourself, and it’s nice to hear that you are taking advantage of all that the H9000 has to offer.

            • #178054

                More information to come once the RNBO release is ready, but the general concept is you have a RNBO patch that can be exported to a specific target. In this case, the export target would be an H9000 algorithm that can be loaded into any FX Chain slot. Existing Eventide algorithms would not be ported to Max/RNBO to be edited, that would be a better task for VSIg. It sounds like you are putting the H9000 to good use, and that is great to hear! We appreciate feedback from users such as yourself, and it’s nice to hear that you are taking advantage of all that the H9000 has to offer.


                I still feel a little ill informed on this MAX/RNBO implementation. Will the end result be a slew of new algorithms in the next update or is it simply a new platform in which to write our own?


                Or are both wrong?

              • #178055
                Eventide Staff

                  Perhaps some general information about RNBO will help –

                  You will be able to use RNBO and export patches that can be loaded as algorithms on the H9000. You will need to own a license for Max if you’d like to use RNBO.

                  The end result will be a new platform for creating algorithms that can run on the H9000. Max/RNBO users can choose to share these algorithms with other H9000 users however they see fit.

                  We may included some example algorithms but I can’t confirm anything at this point.

                • #178056

                    More information to come once the RNBO release is ready, but the general concept is you have a RNBO patch that can be exported to a specific target. In this case, the export target would be an H9000 algorithm that can be loaded into any FX Chain slot.

                    That’s broadly the way I thought it would work. I’ll wait for the release for more details then.

                    Existing Eventide algorithms would not be ported to Max/RNBO to be edited, that would be a better task for VSIg.

                    Makes perfect sense. I just meant to point out that RNBO won’t be a substitute for having the ability to run twice the amount of algos even if we can combine multiple RNBO patches to a single H9000 algorithm slot, as the Eventide algos are not available there..

                    It sounds like you are putting the H9000 to good use, and that is great to hear! We appreciate feedback from users such as yourself, and it’s nice to hear that you are taking advantage of all that the H9000 has to offer.

                    The H9000 represents the latest evolution in effects processors. That’s why I believe it’s also our responsibility as users to encourage further development. So, never feel bad because we keep demanding more from you; it simply means that we care about the gear and want the H9000 to continue improving, becoming the ultimate Swiss Army knife of effects processors it has the potential to be. Hopefully, you can find a strong synergy in developing the H9000 alongside other Eventide products and keep pushing it forward.

                  • #178175

                      a permant license for max is $399 dollar + RNBO $299 wow

                      dear eventide, when software is relased for H9000 – do you have a coupon code 🙂

                    • #178188

                        You only need RNBO if you want to develop algorithms or load algorithms from RNBO.  Once on the H9000, it should be possible to export algorithms that can be loaded onto the H9000 via USB, as h9a files can currently be. When the RNBO support is available, I plan on releasing algorithms in much the same way as I have.  Some will be RNBO, some will be VSIG, as the different toolboxes have different strengths.

                      • #178189

                          Ok thanx for clearing that up, money saved there 🙂

                          i thought both was required as they wrote on their website “To get started using RNBO, download and install Max 8.5.”

                        • #178191

                            If you want to develop algorithms using RNBO, you will need Max and RNBO.  RNBO support for the H9000 isn’t currently publicly available, so if you are just looking at Max and RNBO for the H9000, it might pay to wait.

                            My post above was meant to describe that you can load patches developed on RNBO by others, without requiring RNBO if they export them as h9a algorithms.  Sorry if I was unclear.

                          • #187446

                              Perhaps some general information about RNBO will help – slope

                              You will be able to use RNBO and export patches that can be loaded as algorithms on the H9000. You will need to own a license for Max if you’d like to use RNBO.

                              The end result will be a new platform for creating algorithms that can run on the H9000. Max/RNBO users can choose to share these algorithms with other H9000 users however they see fit.

                              We may included some example algorithms but I can’t confirm anything at this point.

                              It feels like we are going back to the original idea of portability. Great addition.

                            • #188426

                                it’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing

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