Strange behavior H8000FW with phaser presets

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    • #112348
      My H8000FW shows some weird behavior when I use most of the phaser presets.

      For example, when I select preset 3524 (StereoizingPhaser) and I increase the "depth" parameter, say from 0 to 100%, the maximum effect of the sweep is already reached at 25% 

      and not at (what one would expect) at 100%. 

      When I continue to increase the depth value above 25% up to 49%, the sweep effect is almost gone, to reappear again at 50% up to 66%. At 67% the sweep effect is almost gone 

      again up to the value of 99%. At 100% the sweep kicks in again.

      It seems like there are some "holes" in the range of the depth function parameter.

      My first thought was the fault lays within the large encoder knob, however, I've tried preset 13 (Oscillator 440) and the value increase and the pitch of the tone works as it should be.

      So it seems that the problem only occurs at the Phaser presets, and only at the depth parameter…

      Could it be hardware or software related?

      To make things even more strange, when I use the ModFactor phaser preset 9111 (MF Phaser), the depth parameter works fine!!

      Perhaps anyone can help me?
    • #127543
      Eventide Staff

      From your description, it sounds as if the unit is working normally, and that the fault is with this specific preset.

    • #138279

      Hi Nickrose,

      Thanks for your quick answer. Most of the phaser effects in the 3510 – 3526 range are suffering from this problem (only the ones with a depth adjustment possibility). It is not exclusively limited to preset 3524 (I used that only as an example). Presets 3510, 3512, 3514, 3515, 3516, 3518, 3523, 3526 and 3921 all have this problem. Could it be possible that this whole range is affected with the same problem?



    • #138280
      Eventide Staff

      It is possible that all these presets were based on one with the flaw you mention. We'll look into it..

    • #138282

      Great, that is good news!

      Have a nice day.

      Greetings Eric

    • #138284

      I'd be interested in Eventide having those presets looked at, too. Phasers are important for me 🙂

    • #138285

      Hi ThreeFingersOfLove,

      Just for curiosity, do you use a H8000(FW) and do you also experience the same problem like me with the phaser presets? If so, we can almost certainly rule out a hardware problem…

      Thank you.



    • #138286

      Hi Eric!
      yes, I do use an H8000-FW but I haven't tested those preset yet. I have however uploaded all the presets from the H8000-FW via VSig to my computer and noticed that some other presets will not load at all. I think (but I am not 100% sure) that it has to do with the database file that is loaded when VSig launches for the first time. This has nothing to do with the strange behaviour that you have noticed. Presets that will not load in VSig ver. 2.4 are
      #310 "8 Delays",
      #314 "8 Pitchshifters",
      #327 "Octal Moddelays",
      #514 "DuellingDualDlys",
      #523 "Parallel Dlys 8ch",
      #528 "Ribbon Delay",
      #611 "Band Delays 8ch",
      #616 "ChordRezonator8ch",
      #620 "Combdelays 8ch",
      #627 "LongPanningDelays8",
      #630 "PanningDelays_8",
      #636 "Ringdelays 8ch",
      #816 "Chorusdelays 8ch" (There exist two 816 presets with different names),
      #827 "Envelope Flanger 8 II",
      #839 "Pure Comb Flange8",
      #854 "ChorusEchos 8ch",
      #1010 "6 V Dlys & Verb,
      #1011 "Band Dlys 4_Ambience"

    • #138726

      Hi nickrose,

      Do you have any updates about the phaser preset issues? I 've noticed by experimentation, that only the depth parameter adjustment is causing the "issues" in all the affected presets (except for the Modfactor presets). Is there any 'walk' around for this problem?

      I also noticed that the bypass button settings (DSP-A, DSP-B) are not stored in memory after the unit is being switched off. Is there a menu setting to retain the bypass button status?


    • #138759
      Eventide Staff


      Do you have any updates about the phaser preset issues?

      No news yet. We have duplicated the problem and will report back when we know something.


      bypass button settings (DSP-A, DSP-B) are not stored

      This is the case – we never saw any reason to store them – we viewed it (them) as a control rather than a setting.

    • #138760
      Eventide Staff


      I have however uploaded all the presets from the H8000-FW via VSig to my computer and noticed that some other presets will not load at all. I think (but I am not 100% sure) that it has to do with the database file that is loaded when VSig launches for the first time. This has nothing to do with the strange behaviour that you have noticed.

      This is an entirely different issue and should be under a new topic. Please.

      But, since it is here, I have to say that I cannot duplicate the problem and believe you are correct when you say you are using the wrong database. Please download the database from the H8000 and try again.

    • #142649

      Old topic but is the phaser problem solved?

      • #142652
        Rolandmangrove wrote:
        Old topic but is the phaser problem solved?

        No, unfortunately nothing heard yet.

    • #142654

      I have the same problems and only yhe Modfactor (911) sounds okay. Nick, any news on this?

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