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July 28, 2009 at 5:57 pm #106340
My Eclipse, both in the v 3.5 and in the v 4.0 produces some continuous "crack" sounds with multishift algos, even whit no signal in the input.
It also has the second line of the display "messed" sometimes, when I re-power the unit frequentely. Then it stabilyze, usually lowering the display's luminosity, but if I re-install the firmware or do some important operations, the problem comes back.
Finally, if I put a formatted card (FAT or FAT32) it displays "Updating sistem file" and remains crashed.
Nothing else than one or more hardware problems? The hardware is version A.
July 28, 2009 at 6:37 pm #118851
Sounds like you should contact support@eventide.com.
Some things you can do to help – give complete information !! Please !!
"Cracks" What presets ? Numbers please. Are you using digital input ?
Display Is it the same on V4.0 ? Describe the "mess" you see.
Card Is it the same on V4.0 ? How did you format the card ? Have you tried a card from a different manufacturer ? Is the card empty ?
August 1, 2009 at 4:39 pm #118873
Ok, now that I got the time I can give you the complete list where I heard the "cracks":
158 AutoCorrect
159 DualWammy
162 St Shifter
163 DiatonicShift2 (only minor pops, here)
164 Multishift2
165 DualDiatonic
166 DualMultishift
167 DiatonicShift4 (minor pops)
168 MultiShift4
184 Mshift+Reverb8
185 Dshift+Reverb
186 Stshift+Reverb
232 Bob's Delay (plus cracks, also continuos Hummmmm, here!)
245 ShiftedVerb1
246 ShiftedVerb2
247 ShiftedClusters
279 Diat+3rd+5th
280 Diat+5th+7th
281 Diat+4th+6th
282 Diat+5th+Oct
283 Diat-4th+5th
284 Diat- Oct+5th
285 Diat-Oct+Oct
286 Diat+5th+10th
296 Micropitchschift
300 Thick -500's
301 Thick 1200's
302 Thick -1200's
308 Sleeplechese2
339 Rainbow Drops
344 SpacedSpaces
449 Flangedown
355 BrillianceLoop
359 Quintillizer
363 OctaFuzz
389 Ring-A-Verb
395 Artifacts
404 DrnkMusik
406 EvilHiLowShift
447 EtherHarp
449 GentleGiant
465 Eclipse Rocks
477 Watery Chorus
479 Magic Air
480 Voice Douber
488 E.Z. Chorus
491 Mondo Chorus
493 Ballerina
804 Bulge Tales
805 FlangDlyThick
807 Verb Swims!
811 GTR Rig #1
834 Pitched Dlys
840 Finally_the5th
901 TF 1:2 Multitap (strange sandy roumors)
910 TF 6:1 FiltPongs (strange creepy hiss)
In a few words, seems that the whole Pitchshift stuff is KO.
The tests were made both with the whole rig connected (guitar, valve preamp, line mixer, Eclipse, power amp and speaker) and with only Eclipse with no imput, going direcly into the power amp and the speker. I use only analog stereo inputs and outputs, no digital.
Display problem is the same in the v4.0. Often, after a few repower, the bottom line (the area where direc key compare) doesn't display leters correctly, but some leds that shoul be on are off and some one should be off is on, in a casual order and with incostant grade of number and "entropy". It doesn't happen always, only sometimes, expecially after editing operations.
Card I tried an old 32 MB Hamlet and a new 2 GB SanDisk Ultra II (15 MB/s). Both were formatted FAT using a Digitech JamMan as card reader and deleting the directory he creates for itself. Both were used succesfully to upgrade the firmware.
Plus, I don't know if it's a v4 bug, but loading
437 GravelyThroat439; 438 Logan's Box; 439 Soudwave; 440 Vocoder13 the system crashes, keeping blinking the bypass, parameter, Khz and bypass ledd consequentially.
August 14, 2009 at 2:03 pm #130023
I don't hear "cracks", however I can hear some abrupt ghosting when I change preset that contains "plex4dly" to preset that contains "vintage delay" algorithm or vice-versa.
It is known issue for me and it is that way since I bought the unit and I hope will be sometimes resolved. The unit is updated with v4beta and it is correctly connected.
I'll upload the two offending presets during the weekend so maybe someone at eventide could look at this. Thanks!
August 14, 2009 at 2:17 pm #130025
Hi Sasa
I suspect you get those sounds "surviving" on presets switching if you still have audio in the delay or reverb memory. If a preset with delay/verb is used and is changed while some audio is still in its memory buffer is what I can think as the cause of this.
Can you please do some extra testing?
August 14, 2009 at 2:37 pm #130026
I hear pure hell, now I'm dealing with Support. I'm out of ideas…
August 16, 2009 at 3:27 am #130028
I gave – up
re-installed 3.51 and I am back in business. Unit kept freeing — EVERY TIME I changed a preset.
I would have to power down to unfreeze
August 17, 2009 at 8:49 am #118929
I'll do extra testing, whatever you need, what do you have in mind Italo?
Well to be honest knowing it is a buffer problem doesn't help me with solution for this issue.
The thing is, it bothers me not knowing are these bursts going to jump out of my amp when I change presets live and when it happens it really doesn't sound nice through PA and I get those 'omg what is happening' looks.
BTW, it doesn't matter if I stopped playing before change, you never know how it'll react. It would be great if you wizards at eventide would adress this serious issue before official v4 release as I'd love to have it remedied for my live work. To clear buffers or something like that, dunno.
August 17, 2009 at 9:59 am #118934
Hi Sasa
yes, you can't fix a buffer problem yourself. But suspecting that might be a cause and putting together the findings from YOUR and our tests, we might be able to fix it. That's the whole point of a beta release.
My suggestion is to look for a repeatable behaviour doing this. Make sure you find 2 prestes you get noise from when switching between them. Try to load the firts, play for about 20 seconds then change to the second preset. Do you get "hell"? Try again….still devils in the room? Keep level down!!!! Try a few more times.
Now load te MUTE preset. DON'T PLAY ANYTHING. Load the first hell preset…let it stay and DON'T PLAY any sound. Switch to the next preset after 10/20 seconds. Don't play! Still hell there?
Which presets are them?
report to us the findings then.
Thank you for your help!
all the best
August 17, 2009 at 11:34 am #130035
Will do Italo, many thanks!
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