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July 7, 2016 at 6:32 pm #113551Hi,I have some problems with the Octavox plugin.My projet was created with Studio One 3 on OS X (Creation, recording, mixing).I have an Synology NAS synchronisation, all my projects are on synolgy and when I’m on Windows all is synchronised automatically.When I open the project, Studio One say : can’t find Octavox plugin.But when I’m looking into studio one, Octavox is present. (See attached file)I have no problems with EZDrummer.Can you help me please ?Thanks in advance.RIBEIRO DavidMobile computer :– Windows 10 Familly x64– Studio One 3 x64 21″ :– OS X 10.11.5– Studio One 3 x64
July 7, 2016 at 7:31 pm #143772
Hi David-
Sorry to hear that you are having problems with Studio One.
Are you able to successfully instantiate a new Octavox plug-in on your Windows version of Studio One? Is the issue only with this particular session pulled across from OSX?
You could also try the following steps:
1. Open Studio One on Windows, go to your VST preferences, and make sure "Scan at Startup" is checked.2. Also click "Reset Blacklist" in the VST preferences, and then restart Studio One and open your session.Let me know!-Tom-
July 7, 2016 at 7:43 pm #143773
Thanks for your response.
Yes I can instanciate a new Octavox plugin but all my preset are lost.
On attached file :
1 – Octavox => Not found
4 – Ocavox => New plugin instance
“Scan at Startup” is checked by default, and I also tried to reset blacklist & restart Studio One.
I’m going to test with an empty project :
– Project created on OS X with just one track and Octavox plugin instaciate on OS X, after I try to open it on windows ;
– Project created on Windows with just one track and Octavox plugin instanciate on Windows, after I try to open it on OS X.
I’ll be right back.
TLongabaugh wrote:Hi David-
Sorry to hear that you are having problems with Studio One.
Are you able to successfully instantiate a new Octavox plug-in on your Windows version of Studio One? Is the issue only with this particular session pulled across from OSX?
You could also try the following steps:
1. Open Studio One on Windows, go to your VST preferences, and make sure “Scan at Startup” is checked.2. Also click “Reset Blacklist” in the VST preferences, and then restart Studio One and open your session.Let me know!-Tom
July 7, 2016 at 8:10 pm #143774
Well bad news 🙁
Same things.
If I create my project on Windows, add an Octavox plugin, open it on OS X, Octavox not found.
If on OSX I open Windows project, I add a new instanciation of plugin and reopen it the last added is present.
Same way on windows.
I can send my empty Studioone sample project (juste with octavox instanciate) to you if you want.
Thanks in advance
July 8, 2016 at 3:22 pm #143776
It looks like you are using the Octavox AU on OSX, but VST on Windows, is that correct? It doesn't look like you have the Octavox VST installed on the OSX side, so my guess is that Studio One is not able to match the plug-in between the two formats when going between Windows and OSX. I'd make sure you are using the Octavox VST on the OSX side.
If my guess is correct, on OSX you can save your old settings from the AU as a preset, change to the Octavox VST, and then load your settings from that preset.
Let me know if this helps out, if not we can continue to troubleshoot.
July 14, 2016 at 2:48 pm #143828Hi,I’m thinking you’re right, I will try to test this Week-end and I’ll be back.Thank you for your response.DR.
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