Stumped again…

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    • #107956

        With PF running the latest software and FactorLib 1.8, I can download any number of presets and reload them back to the PF.  When downloaded, I can look at the knob settings with FactorLib.  But when reloaded back to the PF, some presets have odd random values.. it's usually the feedback setting and it's way over 100.. any ideas?  It's not on every preset either, just on every 5th or so.

      • #122314

        Never seen or heard of anything like that, at least the values outside a normal range. Just curious, but after updating to V3, did you do a reset to factory presets and settings? Are the presets you're seeing this with modified V3 presets or were they saved V2 presets from before you updated? The reason I asked is that, if they're V2 presets, this may be another manifestation of some of the problems others have reported when using V2 presets with V3 software and the new FactorLib. That's the only thing I can think of off the top of my head.

      • #122315

          These presets were created in 2.0, then tweeked after upgrading to 3.0beta and titles were added.  They were working fine with 3.0. 

          What is funny is that I tried the process a few times today, tweeked the preset to be perfect, saved it to the PF, then to computer via FactorLib, then loaded it back to the PF. The problems with erratic values showed up on the PF but not on the graphic display of FactorLib.

          If trashing the presets and creating new on 3.0 is the only answer I'm about at that point.. hate to do that though with 20 presets.

        • #133535

          I don't know enough about the internal formatting of the SYX files saved by FactorLib, or exactly what the PF is expecting to see there, to know whether or not recreating the presets is the only solution. I mean, they look simple enough (text files, it appears), but I don't know if there may be a missing or extraneous space or tab or something that might cause something like this, you know? Maybe Eventide will be able to shed some light on this on Monday.

          I do know that I recreated my presets after updating and haven't had any problems. I did that because I knew there had been some changes to the ranges available with some parameters and thought it was a good opportunity to further refine my sounds. It was slightly time consuming (I started with 42 presets and wrote a few more along the way), but it wasn't too bad, either, and I got to explore the new changes and found some new sounds. I can certainly commiserate if you do decide to rebuild… Hopefully, someone else has had a similar experience and can offer a better solution, though. Good luck!!

        • #133541

            Still misbehaving.. I think I'll email the sysex to support and see if they can tell me what is happening.  Seems like a normal text file.

          • #133542

            Sounds like a good place to start. I'll be curious to find out what they say. It would be nice if there was another option other than recreating presets, but I'm not sure if that's feasible. Please keep us posted…

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