Stupid H8000 Midi Question

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    • #106528


      I am helping a friend set up his H8000 and have everything good to go except the "minor" detail of setting up the program change correctly.

      He is using the H8000 with a TC 2290 and when you press 1 on the midi board, preset 1 is found on the TC but the H8000 tries to engage preset 0.

      I have an Eclipse myself where this was easily corrected but for the life of me I cannot figure it out on the H8000.

      Can someone please let me know how to do this? 🙂

      Best regards,


    • #119232

      Hi Jorge

      the H8000 has almost 2000 presets, so the simple 1>128 program changes method won't be really useful to recall any of these presets. The unit presets are organized in Banks. There are several ways to work with such structure:

      keep in mind that the H8000 will load presets ONLY from the current bank, that is the one you are looking at, on the display. To go beyond this:

      -you may need a MIDI controller (pedalboard or else) capable of sending MIDI Bank Change message (CC #0) with the value of the Bank number you want to address, followed by a MIDI Program Change with the same number of the preset in that bank you want to load. This method will change Banks AND load Presets in any of them

      -or you can use MIDI MAPS, a very advisable feature in the H8000. You need to refer to the latest OS User Manual to get all details about this method

      Please check page "126 Loading a Program Via a MIDI Program Change Message" for all details to setup the H8000 for MIDI program changes.

      all the best


    • #119233


      So if I make 8 user presets from 1-8, there is no easy way to make that work?

      I understand that that would be limited if I would like to access all 2000 presets.

      But is there really no ease way if you are just using user presets?


    • #130358

      How hard is to store your 8 presets in the same bank, look at that bank in the display to make it the current one and send Program changes 1 to 8 (if the presets are stored with such numbers) to recall any of them? Pretty much like any other unit does….

      Create a new bank for this and store your presets into it. If you store your presets across different banks, you'll need to use MIDI Bank Change + Program Change or use MIDI Maps, as described.


    • #130359

      Actually, to be more precise, you simply need to store your presets in a factory bank, as banks can no longer be created by the user (as in older units).

      As an example, if you store your presets as numbers 100 to 107, and they are on the display (current bank), you'll be able to recall them with Prog Changes 1 thru 8.

      Please try!


    • #130360

      ahhh, see I told you it was a stupid question 🙂

      Thanks 🙂


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