Switching off Expression Pedal

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    • #108156

      Can it be done?  I realize that an external foot switch can be set to toggle the expression pedal on and off.  However even when toggled off, the expression pedal always becomes active again when used, so this does me no good.

      For example, say I want to use my Modfactor as a wah.  Well if I have echo used on my Timefactor  then the the settings on the Timefactor attached to the Expression pedal will vary as I use the wah, and I probably find that undesirable.  But if I have the same Expression pedal for both, even if I toggle it off on the Timefactor, it becomes active again as soon as I press the Expression pedal.

      I have thought of possibly just using each bank in a fashion with 1 being set to expression pedal active, and an identical patch on 2 being set to expression pedal off.  But it would be nice if there was some way just to shut off the Expression Pedal on a stomp until I want to activate it again.

      Any solutions or ideas?

    • #122766

      There is an Expression Pedal Lock option in System Mode called PDL LOCK, which you can turn on to prevent any programming of the expression pedal. You could pre-program your Presets and store Presets with no Expression Pedal settings at all when you want the Expression Pedal to be "OFF". Then, simply load a different Preset that does have Expression Pedal settings already programmed when you want Expression Pedal to be "ON."


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