Synthbass Algorithm or Patch Recommendations

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    • #112285

        Is it possible to get a synthbass effect similar to the now discontinued Korg G5 or Akai Deep Impact?  The Synthenizer algo does not really come close to this.

        If there are no existing algos that can achieve this effect, could this be considered as a new algo for future H9 updates?

      • #127450

          You haven't said what you're using as an instrument input, but have you checked out the Octaver algorithm from the PitchFactor?

        • #127477

            I primarily use bass guitar.  The PF is one of my favorite units, the octaver is good, but I am looking for something very different, as mentioned in my original post, something like the now discontinued Korg G5 or Akai Deep Impact.  For those not familiar, check out youtube for examples.  Definitely more than just an octaver. 

          • #138182

              I play a lot of bass too. Haven't had any satisfying results with the synth algo on bass yet. I very much doubt if those moog type of sounds of the Akai deep impact are possible with the H9. The sound character is very different. Speaking of the H9 for bass: which algos do you use for bass? I get a very nice bass overdrive sound by using the drive in the Mangled reverb algo. Worth checking out!

            • #139133

                Hey Eventide, 

                Any chance that we can expect a synthbass algo?  Or is this just wishful thinking (and we should just wait for the vaporware deep impact reissue…

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