Tf can work as midi footswitch?

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    • #106702


      I want to use Tf as a midi footswitch for my looper.

      I want to be able to send midi messages by pressing  TF  footswitches.

      Manual says i can do that with external footswitches, but i would like to use TF footswitches.

      Is it possible?


    • #119636
      Eventide Staff

        The manual is of course correct. Note that while you can't send CC from the TF switches, you can send Program Change when a preset is loaded by the switches.

      • #119637

        thanks for reply

        i will try to use program change option, but that gives me only 2 footswitches

        maybe you could add this feature to next update? i don't understand why i can use all the knobs to send midi messages, but cannot use footswitches?

      • #130754

          Ummm could it be because the TF isn't really a MIDI pedal? Even if Eventide adds more MIDI out functionality to the TF you are still going to only have two foot switches on the TF, you can't get around that and most dedicated MIDI pedals have a bunch of switches.

          Not trying to be a smart aleck or anything here but why would you want a delay pedal to act as a MIDI footswitch/controller for another pedal? I understand that you might not want another pedal on the floor but with only two switches on the TF you aren't going to be able to control very much on the other pedal so to me it defeats the TF's purpose trying to use it for something it's not designed for. Maybe there is something I don't understand with your issue/question.

        • #130755

          that would be convenient for me, because i use a 2880 looper which i usually control with GSC midi controller which is quite big and it is wired to my pedalboard with lots of cables connected to it.

          sometimes i need to take only looper to gigs and i dont feel like dragging my giant pedalboard.

          looper + TF could be my compact setup

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