The Eurorack Modular Community is waiting for a Black Hole Reverb Module!!!

Home Forums Products Eurorack Modules The Eurorack Modular Community is waiting for a Black Hole Reverb Module!!!

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    • #115794

        I am posting this because if it isn’t obvious to Eventide, this is public notice that many of us are waiting for Eventide to make a Blackhole Reverb Eurorack module!!! 

        I would personally purchase 2 immediately!!!  As useful as the H9 and Space pedal are in the modular environment, it would be so fantastic if there wasn’t a need for adapters and wall warts cluttering up the desktop….

        What do you think?

      • #155868

          Absolutely I would! (One) of my H9’s has a front row seat to the fun now. The BEST effects box ever.

          It doesn’t even need CV control – although that would be very cool indeed.

        • #155870

            In black, of course!

          • #157211

              Wow it’s very lonely here in the Eventide eurorack community. In addition to a Black Hole reverb module, I would REALLY appreciate an H9 in eurorack format. I’ve spent good money on all these algorithms, and I was really hoping that Eventide and its community of users would embrace the ecosystem of buying hardware and algorithms semi-independently and that this ecosystem would flourish. I was envisioning Eventide selling an H9 v2 that can support two algorithms at once, without having to rebuy all the algorithms. Or, a smaller H9. Or a Eurorack format.

              I have two H9s in my guitar rig, and an H9 in my eurorack setup and I’m about to buy a fourth so I can have a second unit in my Eurorack. (I mean let’s be honest, the H9 reverbs are insanely excellent sounding for eurorack.) 

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