The H9000 is a pretty fat synth

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    • #169163

        For some crazy reason I decided to build a synth in the H9000.  I’ve nearly got it finished, and here’s a sneak peak at how it sounds.


      • #169320

          That’s impressive.  Gotta get VSIG up and running to take a look under the hood.  Any recommendations where to start?

        • #169321

            Still a bit of work to do with this,  The Hard Sync is causing some issues that I need to solve.

            Regarding VSIG, this tutorial is good

            I’ve done a couple of tutorials here

            The other good resource is to look at how the factory algorithms are built. You can import most of them from the H9000 into VSIG.

          • #169322

              Thanks, I’ll take a look.  Would you know if there any APIs to inject custom modules?  Might be very interesting to try out some things.

            • #169323

                There is a Max/MSP component that can export patches to the H9000.  I haven’t tried it yet, as I don’t have a full version of Max, and funds are tight at the moment.

              • #169324

                  Yeah, don’t know much about Max, I was hoping for a public code API that one can write to.  I assume the 9000 was written in C/C++ or some other standard language and maybe has some documented entry points.

                • #169468

                    A bit of an update on the progress of the 4 voice synth.  I’ve been working consistently on improving the sound and the user interface for the synth. I’ve redone the oscillators, and pretty much eliminated aliasing and the clicking that was occurring in the demo above. I’ve also redone the hard sync section so that it is much more reliable, and enhanced the FM section so that it is more like a DX7 modulator with adjustable modulation level that can also be modulated by envelopes, etc. I’ve also reduced the complexity and removed quite a few DSP blocks, so it should be more efficient.

                    I’ve improved the user interface so that each modulator has only a single amount knob (rather than an individual mix knob and and overall modulation range knob).  The interface now has a section for Oscillator 1, Oscillator 2 and Oscillator Modulation.

                    The distortion can now be bypassed.

                    I’ve still got a few things to fine tune, such as the gain staging, and the amp section, and am gearing up to test a new version later this week.

                  • #169739

                      A quick update on this. I’m still working on it. It’s getting closer. I’ve made some UI changes to make it easier to use and redesigned the amp section a bit to solve a few little quirks. I’m going to add a sub oscillator and a dedicated Amp Envelope once I’ve fixed the quirk and then a few final checks on the modulation scheme.
                      Sorry its taking so long to finish up. It’s a complicated little beast, and my work has gotten seriously busy over the last few weeks.

                    • #169881

                        The 4 Voice Synth is done. Here’s a short demo.

                        I’ll release it in the next week or so.

                        Hit me up with any questions.

                        This is the synth flow diagram.


                      • #170049

                          This algorithm and a few presets are now available from my Buy Me A Coffee page at The algorithm is free for all H9000 gold and VIP members.

                          You can download the manual from

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