Time Factor update problems

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    • #107389

        Hey guys, got a strange problem. I own all three pedals. I was working on updating all of them this morning. My pitch and mod factor pedals were found and the update worked flawlessly. However, the update utility will not find the timefactor. Interestingly though, if I go into the tools, list devices menu, I see the timefactor in the menu. what gives? If it finds it in this window, why not to update it? Very frustrated. I downloaded the latest update utilty, and am running it on mac with the latest version of snow leopard. Thanks

      • #121015
        Eventide Staff

          First, disconnect all other USB devices from your computer. If it's still no good, try another computer.

        • #121030

            Got it working. My audio interface, a MOTU 828mkii, was the problem. Once I disconnected it, the software found it. It has midi, that is what I am assuming was the problem, even though it is firewire.

          • #121031


              Is using a different computer really the only option if you have no other USB devices connected?

              I'm using a Macbook 10.6.5… Pitchfactor update can't find the pedal. Thanks.

            • #132188
              Eventide Staff

                It's either that or leave your computer with us for many weeks so we can look at it.

                Apart from known issues, it is hard for us to do a remote diagnosis of computer problems which are usually beyong our control. Sorry

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