TimeFactor 49:2 Patch – after upgrade, CRAZY INSANITY????

Home Forums Products Stompboxes TimeFactor 49:2 Patch – after upgrade, CRAZY INSANITY????

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    • #107470

      Anyone have this issue when first stomping into this preset??  I did the upgrade a few days ago, everything went seamlessly as always…  But just today I was going through the presets, and hit Bank 2 for Preset 49 and the amp almost blew up into this massively LOUD sin wave sound that almost blew the windows out!!  My amp was at low to moderate levels, dirty/crunch, nothing else.  Seems to stop after it cycles through one of these sonic sin wave patterns…  I did it on the clean as well – same thing, AND with the guitar's volume on zilch.

      I'm serious – this thing was STUPID loud and sounded completely insane.  Is this an adjustment protocol that the stomp is digesting when blazing through the presets or is this um, normal??  Anyone else experience this??



    • #121176

      Just tested and got the same thing.  I changed the X Knob to 16bits from 10bits and got rid of the irritating sine wave whistle sound.  Saved the preset with the new X knob setting.

    • #121180

      Yeah, this happens for me, too… Insane preset, not in a good way. It doesn't necessarily sound like it's doing anything it's not supposed to be doing. Rather, I think the feedback is set too high and it's going into self-oscillation. I've got spillover on and when I switch to 49:2 from any other active preset, it sounds like it's picking up a bit of the previous sound. If I switch from bypass, it's OK until I make any sound at all (just touching the strings), then it starts oscillating. Anyway, I think this is just a poorly written preset.

    • #121182

        the preset name is 5-0.. as in police, as in sirens… 

      • #121184


      • #121185

        Thanks for the feedback (no pun intended!).  I'll lower the bit rate and save that as a preset if this seems to negate the problem…  Crazy though, seriously almost messed my pants when that thing hit my signal chain (4×12 and 100W head to boot!!) Zip it!    Whatever…  Just glad I wasn't the only one.

        Thanks y'all,


      • #132349

        I never had a problem with the police until I stepped on that preset then…  Stick out tongue

        Siren – yaaaaaaa, no doubt.  I'd say just as loud for sure.


      • #121190

        Rabid's right… changing the bits gets rid of the weird whine. I haven't gone through all the presets, yet… been spending more time going back through my own, but it seems to me that almost all, mine or theirs, needed some tweaking after applying V3. To my ears, the final result after tweaking is a signifcant improvement, but some of the presets obviously didn't sound as good at first as they used to (just my opinion). I think mpovoden stumbled on one of the worse ones.

      • #132350

        I had the same effect with the modfactor. there are a few presets that go into crazy, high-pitched feedback even when the guitar volume is turned down …

        Always a surprise when you don't expect that 🙂

      • #132354

        Could you tell which presets are behaving this way?

      • #132363

        I'll be going over the ModFactor this week, and the PitchFactor on the weekend – each and every present and its 2 respective banks.  I'll make note of the ones I come across that sound messed up and post 'em up for whomever is interested.  I'm just going through all 3 stomps since V3 was installed to get back up to speed with the changes and my own personal presets.

        Till then,

      • #132366

        Not from memory, no. I have to check it next time …

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