Timefactor Active/Bypass glitch

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    • #105291

      I just got my Timefactor yesterday (haven't had a chance to install the beta 2.0) and what really stands out to me is the dead time / glitch that happens when enabling or disabling.  I've tried both DSP bypass modes (I figured the relay mode would be even worse), and it's really killing me.  I've never experienced a pedal that had such a noticable noise when enabling or disabling.  I haven't really heard other people mentioning this problem, which I think is horrible, so it makes me think I got a dud.  Is anyone else noticing this? 

    • #116841

      I would recommend downloading the beta 2.0 and trying it out. I believe it shortened the lag. I switched from relay bypass to dsp+delay with great results. The convertors are very good and do not mess with your tone, plus you get delay trails.

    • #116844

      I just installed 2.0 and it is much better, thanks for the recommendation. 

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