timefactor and 2 fx loops amps

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    • #107717


      i would like to know how to plug my timefactor in stéréo into 2 FX loop amps

      i guess ill have to use timefactor IN 1 to send amp1 and OUT 1 to return amp1  then IN 2 to send second amp OUT2 to return of the second amp ?

      easy like this ?


    • #121720

      Yes I think that is exactly how the manual suggests setting it up. Works great for me. Amp1 preamp controls the tone. Amp 2 is power stage only.

    • #121721

      Yep, that's one way to do it. Mostly, it depends on whether you're using the sounds of both amps at the same time, or if you're using the sound of one and using it to drive the other amp.

      If you're using both amps to get your sound:

      Amp 1 Send >> TF In 1 >> TF Out 1 >> Amp 1 Return

      Amp 2 Send >> TF In 2 >> TF Out 2 >> Amp 2 Return

      If you're using one amp to drive the other:

      Amp 1 Send >> TF In 1 >> TF Out 1 >> Amp 1 Return

      ………………………..>> TF Out 2 >> Amp 2 Return

    • #121725

      thx for your help

      ill try both

    • #132952

      ^^^ If we set it up that way would some effects might cause cross talk from  In1 to Out2 and In2 to Out1? 

    • #132953

      Potentially, but only in the effected signal. The dry signal would not be mixed together. A lot of the effects are true stereo, too, so it would depend on what effects you're using and how you've got them setup. I think the best thing to do is to try it both ways and see which you like best.

      As examples, in my practice rig, I've got a MB Mark IV combo feeding my pedalboard, which then goes back into the return on the main amp and the return on another MB combo. In this case, I'm driving both amps with the primary Mark IV.

      In another rig, I've got a Marshall DSL and a VHT CL50 running in parallel. I feed my pedalboard from the sends of both amps, which goes back into the returns of both amps. In this case, each amp is contributing to the sound. Channel switching is done via MIDI with a custom cable for the VHT (the DSL uses 1/4" jacks).

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