TimeFactor and MIDI pass-through

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    • #186819

        I have a small board that I’m trying to set up. It has a TimeFactor and a Strymon Iridium, as well as a Morningstar MIDI controller. I want to be able to use MIDI on both of these pedals. I want to have both nondelay and delay presets on the Morningstar; in other words, sometimes I just want to be able to switch between amp settings on the Strymon, and sometimes have the controller turn on delay presets on the Eventide with different amp settings. Can the TimeFactor do pass-through via its MIDI ports to the Iridium? In other words, send a command from the Morningstar through the five pin connections on the TimeFactor to the Strymon without turning on a delay setting?

      • #186824
        Eventide Staff


          Yes, you can enable MIDI Thru on the Time Factor. See page 55 of the user manual: https://s3.amazonaws.com/com.eventide.downloads/Product+Manuals/TimeFactorManual.pdf

          You’ll want to use individual MIDI channels for each stompbox when using MIDI Thru like this.

        • #186830

            thank you!

          • #186834

              I’ve done that but it seems there is, no way to do it and not have the delay active that I can see. I have the Eventide on MIDI Channel 1 and the Iridium on Channel 3 but it doesn’t seem to change the amp settings,  and delay is always on. Anyone have any ideas?

            • #186845
              Eventide Staff

                There are a few things you’ll need to do to make all of this work.

                • On the MIDI controller, confirm that you are sending different CC messages on different MIDI channels for the various footswitches.
                • On the TimeFactor, confirm that you have MIDI receive set to channel 1, MIDI output set to THRU, and you also need to map various parameter to MIDI CCs. I would suggest mapping “Active/Bypass Toggle” to something like CC1. With these settings, you will need to map the Morningstar to send MIDI CC1 on channel 1 for the TimeFactor to receive the active/bypass command.
                • On the Strymon, confirm that MIDI receive channel is 3, and that you are sending the correct CCs to adjust settings. You’ll need to check the manual to confirm these settings.

                I would start by connecting the MIDI controller directly to each pedal (no MIDI thru) to confirm that you are sending the correct MIDI messages. Once that is all good, try using the MIDI thru on the TimeFactor.

              • #186847

                  The pass thru doesn’t seem to work :(. If I connect the Strymon via TRS to TRS on the Morningstar, it works, but even though I have pass thru enabled on the Time Factor, it’s not sending the commands to the Strymon.

                • #186854
                  Eventide Staff

                    How are you connecting the TimeFactor MIDI output to the Strymon? Are you using a DIN to 1/4 TRS cable?

                    There are 2 types of TRS MIDI connections, you may have the wrong cable: https://www.morningstar.io/post/all-you-need-to-know-about-trs-midi-connections

                    What Morningstar pedal are you using? It looks like all of their products have separate DIN and omniport outputs. You could bypass the need for MIDI thru by connecting directly to each pedal; DIN to TimeFactor, Omniport to Strymon.

                  • #186864

                      I was using a DIN to 1/4 inch from the Time Factor to the Iridium. That cable works when the Iridium is connected to the Morningstar, but not to the Eventide for some reason. My Morningstar is an MC6 Pro, so yes, I’ll use one of the dedicated TRS ports to control the Strymon.

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