Timefactor getting crazy

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    • #143092
      Eventide Staff

        If it's under warranty, send it back.

        If it's not, have someone competent open it and check the ribbon cable between the two boards. This can (rarely) come loose or develop bad connections.

        • #143094
          nickrose wrote:

          If it’s under warranty, send it back.

          If it’s not, have someone competent open it and check the ribbon cable between the two boards. This can (rarely) come loose or develop bad connections.

          Generally speaking, these kind of issues happens, is the ribbon cable to be changed or just to be reconnected?

        • #143095
          stratboy wrote:

          nickrose wrote:

          If it’s under warranty, send it back.

          If it’s not, have someone competent open it and check the ribbon cable between the two boards. This can (rarely) come loose or develop bad connections.

          Generally speaking, these kind of issues happens, is the ribbon cable to be changed or just to be reconnected?

          I mean ‘WHEN’ these kind of issues happens (I forgot the ‘when’ word and couldn’t edit the post)

      • #113389

        Hi! I’ve got a big problem.. My timefactor is getting crazy.. During bypass, after a while it turns on by itself (but without lighting the current bank program) and starts to continuously changing effect. All by itself.

        What’s goin’ on here?

        Thank you,


      • #143098
        Eventide Staff

          Happily (for us), these issues do not happen a lot, so I can't give you a general rule.

          If the problem is the ribbon cable (we had a bad batch once) , it could most likely be one of two things:

          1) The plug having shaken loose from its socket (easily fixed by "wiggling" or re-seating it).

          2) Faulty assembly of the cable – this can't easily be fixed, and requires a new cable.

          • #143109
            nickrose wrote:

            Happily (for us), these issues do not happen a lot, so I can’t give you a general rule.

            If the problem is the ribbon cable (we had a bad batch once) , it could most likely be one of two things:

            1) The plug having shaken loose from its socket (easily fixed by “wiggling” or re-seating it).

            2) Faulty assembly of the cable – this can’t easily be fixed, and requires a new cable.

            ok thank you

        • #143171

            I’m experiencing the same problem with my Time Factor, it’s like every knob is being turned and the display struggles to keep up with the changes. The ribbon cable is a good explanation. However, I can get it to work for a while with a factory reset, and I never change the factory settings. It works for a few days then the TF goes crazy. I have reverted from 5.2.0 to 3.5.0 and for 2 weeks so far it has not gone crazy. Coincidence? BTW this unit has never been gigged or moved out of the studio.



            • #143173
              telesynth wrote:

              I’m experiencing the same problem with my Time Factor, it’s like every knob is being turned and the display struggles to keep up with the changes. The ribbon cable is a good explanation. However, I can get it to work for a while with a factory reset, and I never change the factory settings. It works for a few days then the TF goes crazy. I have reverted from 5.2.0 to 3.5.0 and for 2 weeks so far it has not gone crazy. Coincidence? BTW this unit has never been gigged or moved out of the studio

              (To the producers) So could it be a software problem?

          • #143179
            Eventide Staff

              Sorry guys – it does sound like the ribbon, in which case there is nothing more this Forum can do for you. Please follow my earlier advice, or support@eventide.com


            • #143214

                I don’t disagree its a physical problem like the ribbon cable. It is so infrequent that I guess I got a cluster of events that looked like a pattern. I’m just recording synths as a hobby so its not a show stopper. To be honest, I couldn’t wait to get back to 5.2.0 and since then I haven’t had any problems at all.

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