Timefactor Issue – Please Help!

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    • #108162

      Has anyone else ever had an issue with their Timefactor just going berserk and start flashing random settings on the screen??? This happens quite regularly and I cannot figure out what is causing it. I typically have to power down the unit for about 30 seconds and it seems to reset the issue until some other random time. This is obviously unacceptable for live situations.

      I am running the current 3.0 software. I use a Boss FV-500H pedal into the expression and Digitech FS3X into the Aux on the Timefactor. Could either of these be causing and issue?

      I appreciate any help you can give!


    • #122780

      Correction: I have the Boss FV-500L not H. Thanks!

    • #122781
      Eventide Staff

        Sounds like a bad internal connection. Contact support@eventide.com

      • #122805

        It may be a power adapter issue. I had my TF looked at by an electronic wiz and the power adapter was causing the unit to re-boot itself. He fixed the adapter and the TF power connector. I believe this problem caused some of my LEDs to go out on the display, but its still readable.

        Luv the Lush sounds, but I've also had to have the foot-switches replaced. (supplied by Eventide). Now the switches are very touchy, but that I can live with! Just a tap on the switch and the TF changes preset.

        Ive got mine in the effect-loop with a chorus and a delay unit. Some of the presets are really useless when your giging in a cover-band. But those can be tweaked & saved, or written over by more useable settings.

      • #122831

        Yes…I am having the same problem. There is obviously a problem with either the pedal or the software. This is very annoying. This is the only pedal that gives me any issues. They have to know about this because I have heard of several people experiencing the same thing. Have you found a way to resolve this issue?


      • #122833
        Eventide Staff

          Sorry you are having trouble. But, if you want to resolve it, contact support@eventide.com.

          Make sure that you are using the supplied power unit.

        • #123443

          Exact same problem happening to me, except I cannot re-set. Nothing I can do, including restoring factory system settings, seems to help. I noted below that it might be a power adapter problem, but got the same problem even when powering up using the adapter from my Space unit.

        • #134758

          I have the same problem, my unit is more then a year old, would this still be covered? 

        • #134759

          I eventually got mine running again by installing the latest software update, but it hasn't been 100% stable, flips out every now and then Sad

        • #134767

          I just updated to the latest firmware, so far so good. I hope it fixes the problem, it makes the pedal unsusable because you never know when it's gonna go bezerk….

        • #123727

          I've had the same issue with my Timefactor occasionally.  The email I got from Eventide suggested all the same things about updating software, which did nothing, and changing the settings so that you have to turn the knobs a lot before they start to react.  After reading that some other folks were having the same issue, I took apart the pedal and sprayed some contact cleaner where the ribbon cable attaches.  That has been pretty successful, and I have rarely had any problem with it since.

          But clearly, this is something that happens with these pedals, and I do wish Eventide would acknowledge that there is an issue and perhaps consider fixing or replacing the pedals that have the problem.  I spent a lot of money on my Timefactor. I use it all the time at shows, and I have had it go crazy once during a set.  It is the only negative thing I have to say about an otherwise fantastic pedal.

        • #123728

          Totally agree. I love the TF and used it constantly for 2 years live, but I only use it in the studio now because it's just too scary using it live and risking a freak-out, and that's a shame because I bought it for live use.  I will try the cleaning you suggested above.

        • #134770

          Yes. There is no way that I would use this pedal in a live situation. When it freaks out, it is basically randomly changing all kinds of settings. The sounds that come out of the unit during a "freak out" would be very embarassing in a live show. It sounds great when it works but is very unreliable. I would be uncomfortable selling mine since it seems like a defective product.

        • #134771
          Eventide Staff

            Please do as suggested above and contact support@eventide.com.

            There seems little point in suffering …

          • #134787

            i take my word back, updating the firmware did not solved the problem. The pedal started acting up again right in the middle of a time sensitive recording session. 

              If it's it's still there after a firmware update means it's a mechanical problem. Is it overheating?Static?defective encoder, whats the explanation for this?

          • #134791

            I have submitted this issue to support@eventide.com. Updating the firmware did not fix the issue for me. In addition, I am using the factory supplied power cable.

          • #123787

            I have the exact same problem.

            Anybody found out what's causing this? I had the feeling it had to be the PSU, since I don't have the original one… but some people seem to have this problem also with the original one.

          • #123788

            And apparently Eventide doesn't want people to udate the firmware, since they make it almost impossible. You have to register the product to be even allowed to download an update, but to register the prodcut you have to tell them where and when you bought the thing.

            Since I got the thing second hand I'm screwd.

          • #134835
            Eventide Staff

              Don't think you are. Try telling them anyhow – if you have problems: support@eventide.com

            • #134841

              I had a moment of disconfort but it's better now 🙂

              I contacted support, let's see! Thanks for the encouragment!

            • #134860

              I was able to solve my problem. After contacting support they changed the registration to me and I could do a FW update (after resetting everything back to factory settings), and that fixed it. Eventide support was very quick, helpful and professional!

            • #123995

              Same problem here.

              But now looks like the problem is getting worse. When the pedal starts to freak out the only alternative is to turn off the unit. No response by changing buttons, bank position or turning off the effect. 

              This is very disappointing, even more now looking that there are so many of us experiencing such a problem and Eventide don't even tell us wtf is going on.

            • #123997
              Eventide Staff

                If you are having a problem like this, please don't just sit and suffer – support@eventide.com.

                We had a bad batch of internal cables from a supplier which might cause this, otherwise it could be power supply problems or bad solder joints. Not possible to state with certainty without seeing the unit.

              • #147078

                I’ve repaired a few other pieces of equipment lately suffering from the ribbon cable dilemma as well as my Timefactor. so far Ive fixed a 16 x4 x2 Maci mixing console, Behringer mixer and a few other devices. I am a IT consultant and a certified PC repair Tech and I see this issue on PCs and Laptops too. I believe it’s from cheap ribbon cables. the cable itself is OK but the guillotine connector that gets crimped on to either end of the cable is the culprit. they are not very good Chinese made connectors. I changed the connecters to a Molex brand and the issue so far is permanently fixed. the issue I’ve seen is when the connectors are crimped on to the cable. the blade’s teeth that pierce the individual wires are not strong enough and give a little when being shoved through the wires insulation. I think either the PVC wire coating is to tough or the teeth are too weak.  after a bit of time, vibrations and heat it relaxes the contact points and lose their contact with the individual wires in the cable. by removing the cable and putting back or jostling it, for a bit remedies the problem.  wiggling the wire or pulling it off and on presses the teeth back into the wire. but to really fix it you need to change the ends to a good quality Molex ribbon cable connector. don’t be cheap buy the best one you can find.

              • #147710

                I have the same problem too 🙁 I wrote to support hopefully they’ll help me out.

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