Timefactor Looper question

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    • #112625

      Hey guys. 

      I have a question concerning the looper of the timefactor. 

      Me and my band recorded an into to our set and want to play that without carrying a computer to our set.

      My question now is if there is a way that I could transfer this ‘Intro’ file to the timefactor and play it with the looper. 

      My other idea for this would be to simply pug in the PC and record the intro. 

      What do you guys think? 

    • #139364

      A portable mini-audio recorder works (I’ve used a Microtrack 24/96).  It easily fits in a guitar case or gig bag.  Trim the audio beforehand in an audio editor, and save clips as individual .wav files.

      An advantage to using a computer / sampler with MIDI capabilities is that you can somewhat automate the process.  Send a Start / Stop message to both the DAW sequencer and H9 / TimeFactor (or generate them within the application).  Sample playback and looper recording begin & end together.  Mute, and switch tracks to repeat the process with other samples.

      There has to be similar options for tablets or iPads.  A hardware drum machine can be used as a “System Real Time” generator.

    • #139376

      I have a similar issue – my band wants me to have lots of samples so I just ended up including a Jamman Looper/Sampler into my rig. I’m currently in the process of passing the buck to my keyboardist since he rocks a Macbook for his synths. It’d be way easier for him to do it than for me to tap dance… 

      The other logical option would be an iPad/Phone/pod with the sample/intro on it. 

      Shouldn’t be too hard – the Timefactor has 2 inputs…

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