timefactor noise

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    • #107687


      this link is to show what my timefactor recently started to do. its not me in the video but im having the same problem as he is.. thanks

    • #121664

      I was the one who posted that video. It started happening pretty soon after I upgraded my Timefactor to the newest firmware.

      I have done a ton of troubleshooting to try and determine what's wrong, and it's all come down to the pedal. I've tried different amps, NO amps (plugged straight into my computer interface), I've tried putting a buffered pedal before it, I've tried re-initializing and resetting the unit. NONE of these things has changed that noise, it's always there now.

      I've been having a conversation with an Eventide representative over email that hasn't been all that helpful. They keep telling me to try it in an effects loop, but that's not going to work in my setup. If the only way I can use this pedal is in an effects loop, then I will be selling this pedal to get something else.

      I know for a fact that other people on this forum and other forums (TGP) and on YouTube are having this issue. So Eventide people, can you tell me anything more about this? I'm hoping to send it in to get fixed, but I'm waiting for my representative to get back to me.

    • #121665

      That is my YouTube video. I've been in contact with an Eventide rep and it hasn't been all that helpful.

      I have done a ton of troubleshooting on this issue, and I know that the problem lies within the pedal. I've tried different amps (running mono and stereo), NO amps (direct into my computer interface), different guitars, NO guitars (as seen in the video), and with and without a buffered pedal in front of it. None of these things help/changes the problem at all.

      I don't know if it's related, but this seems to have started happening soon after I upgraded to the newest firmware.

      I know that someone is going to tell me to try it in the effects loop of my amp (which is what the Eventide rep told me too), but if this pedal is only going to work in a loop and not in front of my amp, then I will be selling it to buy something else. It won't work in my setup that way.

      Basically I'm trying to figure out if this problem can be fixed if I send it in, or if this is just the way the pedal is. I know it wasn't this noisy before. Any comments from Eventide or anyone else? I know for a fact that there are other people on this forum and other forums (TGP) and on YouTube experiencing this same issue.

    • #121666

      Well I double posted because I thought the forum had deleted my original post. And I can't edit either post. So enjoy them both.

    • #121667

      I'd recommend that you send the pedal in for service. Whether or not you use it in the effects loop or in front of the amp isn't the issue, that's a personal choice. It works better for some people in some situations, but isn't a requirement. If I had to guess, the rep who told you to try it in the loop was just trying to determine where the problem was and not suggesting that the pedal *has* to be used in the loop.

    • #121668

      I just hooked mine up and it is doing the same thing. It is right out of the box. This is very upsetting to me. I bought this unit because it was suppose to be the top of the line. For $400 it should not be producing this hiss. I havent even played through it yet. I just spent about 2k on my new rig (not including the amp) and this was the most expensive peice. It was between the Empress and this. I chose this for the ease of bank switching (I do wish you could "Bank Down" though).

      Just out of curiosity, does a noise reduction unit after the delay filter out the hiss. I have a total of 11 pedals. I have used all but 2., The TF and the micro POG with no noise to speak of. It is for sure the pedal. I have a Boss Noise suppressor lying around. I am gonna try that just to see if it works. If it does the job, I guess I will get a Decimator to kill the noise. I'll let ya know

    • #132890

      please let me know when you try it. I love this pedal and the delays it does. but if this doesn't get resolved. im selling it and getting something else. and i'll be making sure to let other people know my feelings about eventide in the future…

    • #132891

      I hooked up the Boss NS-2 and it did the job. The hiss that the TF created went away. The NS-2 has noise of its own and is really old. I am gonna get an ISP Decimator and run it as the last thing in my chain. I cant run the G String cause all my pedals run through a Cusack Pedal Board Tamer.


    • #132897
      Eventide Staff

        We're not aware of any noise problems. Obviously a hardware fault could cause noise, but such things are pretty rare.

        Our experience is that noise is usually caused by one of the following:

        1) mis-setting of the guitar/line gain switches

        2) bad cables

        3) ground loops

        4) bad gain settings (guitar turned down, amp turned up)

        But, if you are convinced it is the pedal (try it with just guitar-pedal-amp, nothing else connected), contact support@eventide.com

      • #132926

        I can guarantee that none of those are what is causing the noise on my pedal. Did you check out the video in the original post?

        The Eventide tech I was talking to was nice enough to check out and repair (if needed) my pedal for free, so I am extremely grateful for that. I'll keep everyone updated on what happens with that. I just sent the pedal to them a few days ago.

      • #132935

          This is EXACTLY what I was talking about in my post earlier this year:


          I was concerned that stacking multiple eventide effects would double or triple the hiss.  I agree with those comments above regarding how unacceptable this is from such an expensive pedal.

        • #132939

          @thehafe have you been talking to an Eventide tech about it? I only ask because they don't seem to be aware of noise issues with any of the pedals, even though I keep running across people with the same problem as this.

        • #132941

          Yeah, I agree. While I can't say for sure because I haven't tested your pedal and mine doesn't do this, just from the video, it does sound like a physical problem with the pedal. If it is a problem with the pedal, it sounds like Eventide will be more than willing to fix it, but they can't do that unless the pedal's sent to them.

        • #132942

          heres my update. I have an RMA from tech support… but im nervous about sending it in only to have them say its fine

          Andy when will you know if yours is fixed?

        • #132943

          @Timothy Agreed. I sent my pedal to them this past week, they should have it by now. We'll see what happens.

        • #132944

          @Mavrick Hopefully I'll know something this next week. I'll keep everyone updated.

        • #121741

          Just a little update… my pedal is with the Eventide people now, two days ago the rep said this: "It has already gone through our QC tests and now needs to go through a listening and comparison test with some of our engineers." So I'm hoping to hear something about it today….

        • #121787

          I'll be watching this thread with great interest. I've had my Timefactor for over a year and it's always had the same hiss. I thought it was just the way these are. Sure would be nice to have the functionality of this pedal without the noise. Interestingly enough I have a Line6 M9 and it's dead quiet in my rig even with the noise reduction turned all the way off!

        • #121805

          So it's nine calendar days later, what is the result?

        • #133022

          After latest update V3 i have the same problem , noise so loud ((((((

        • #133024

          Ok guys, here's a more substantial update.

          I actually talked to one of the Eventide technicians last week on the phone. Unfortunately, they were not able to duplicate the kind of noise that I showed in my video. We were both pretty baffled at that, and we talked a while about potential problems, and we couldn't really come to a good conclusion. The guy told me that my pedal tested well within their "normal" range for their diagnostic tests, which included a signal-to-noise ratio test.

          So, try as they might, the Eventide guys couldn't find anything wrong with my pedal, and hence did not make any changes or repairs. So it is on it's way back to me, and should be at my house tomorrow.

          I have a few things I'm going to try… the first thing being a different power supply (which I was told shouldn't be the problem, but we'll see). So once I play around with it, I'll give another update.

          I know that this pedal is less noisy in the loop of an amp, but I don't use pedals in a loop. So if it ends up that this is just normal noise for the pedal, then sadly I don't think I'll be keeping it. 

        • #121819

          Please let us know how it works after you get it back.

        • #133032

          Will do.

        • #133038

          Well, as I expected, the noise is still there in the same level that it was before.

          I tried a few different things (cables, power supply), but nothing got rid of the noise.

          I guess the fact is that the Timefactor is just a noisy pedal, which is really a bummer, because I love everything else about it.

          But Eventide was great… my pedal came back looking brand new because they had cleaned every part of it, and it was packaged incredibly well. They were really helpful… it's just too bad that it seems like this is just the way the pedal is.

        • #133062

          my TF does the same thing. run in front of an orange tiny terror, with DSP+ on, it hisses like mad. switch over to relay, and the hiss goes away. hadn't noticed it until today.  sounds like something with the ADA's or digital side of the TF.  

        • #144504

          I can’t belive that so many of us are having these noise /hum /his /whatherever-you-want-to-call-it while Eventide technicians can’t figure out how to reproduce it. Maybe they don’t want to accept the fact that the product is not up to today’s standards?

          Anyway, its been a while so far… any news about it? Tkz!

        • #151067

          Hi, I’m having the very same issue: any update? Was it found solution?

          • #151073
            stratboy wrote:

            Hi, I’m having the very same issue: any update? Was it found solution?

            Ok I answer for myself… In my case it is the amp, not the effect. I was running it into an old marshall 75 reverb and was causing exactly the Othling’s issues. And I had the same issues but even worse (and by far) with another pedal as well, a boss rc-30. I tried anything, really, cables, adaptors types (boss and voodoo), distance from adators, in or out of pedal chain, guitars, anything. Then I just plug them into my twin reverb and all the issues were gone. Even at hi volumes, and with all the pedals, DSP active, near adaptors, and the like, all works well, no noise (other than really low noise you can tipically have with 12 units one after the other into a twin reverb…), but seriously, almost zero noise.

            I think I was trapped by the fact that the noise was produced only by Timefactor and rc-30 and not by the other pedals in the chain. But probably there’s something wrong with my marshall and its way to deal with DSP units in general.

            So, before throw your timefactor away, please try it with another amp 🙂 Hope it helps.



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