Timefactor noise issue

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    • #115170

      Hi, I’ve got exactly this issue right now with my unit:


      There’s also another thread about this:


      Can you suggest any solution?

      I’m testing it alone, out of the pedals chain and powered by its own original eventide adapter.

      Thank you, regards


    • #151096
      Eventide Staff

        In the video, it is unclear if the guitar is fully turned up. Assuming that it is, there is obviously a problem.

        First thing to try would be connecting guitar->TF->amp, using different, preferably new cables.

        If this has the same result, the TF needs to be looked at. support@eventide.com


        • #151099
          nickrose wrote:

          In the video, it is unclear if the guitar is fully turned up. Assuming that it is, there is obviously a problem.

          First thing to try would be connecting guitar->TF->amp, using different, preferably new cables.

          If this has the same result, the TF needs to be looked at. support@eventide.com

          In the video, there is no guitar plugged, and it’s said by Andy.

        • #151114
          Eventide Staff
            stratboy wrote:

            In the video, there is no guitar plugged, and it's said by Andy.


            The guitar is plugged in at 2:00 in the video I saw. Not sure who Andy is.

            It is important to know the guitar level, cos otherwise if you put enough gain after anything it will be noisy.

            My comments apply.



          • #151115
            nickrose wrote:

            stratboy wrote:

            In the video, there is no guitar plugged, and it’s said by Andy.


            The guitar is plugged in at 2:00 in the video I saw. Not sure who Andy is.

            It is important to know the guitar level, cos otherwise if you put enough gain after anything it will be noisy.

            My comments apply.

            I think that:

            – You didn’t carefully watch all the video. Since the issue is present and demonstrated, and explained, before plugging the guitar.

            – You didn’t carefully read the previous thread started by Andy and linked above.

            – You should know who’s Andy, because it’s the video’s author, it’s written just below it, so again, you didn’t really watched and followed it. And by the way, it was made exactly for you, Eventide. You also should know who Andy Othling is, just because he’s Andy Othling. I guess people at Strymon know him quite well. You at Eventide could consider doing the same..

            – In the end, you don’t really want to help, I don’t think so.

            So have a nice day.


        • #151116
          Eventide Staff

            Sorry, the only answer is support@eventide.com


          • #151121

              It’s probably your amp 🙂

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