Timefactor random crackly noises

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    • #112623

      I’ve searched everywhere I know of and couldn’t find direct reference to my issue so I thought I’d try here.

      I have a Timefactor that makes a popping or crackling sound, similar to static noises. Usually just 1-3 pops at random times. It randomly does this while strumming a chord or during the sustain of a delay trail. Doesn’t seem to be related to footswitches.

      I’ve tried the original power supply, different cables, guitars, amps, venues, and also just plugging straight in simply guitar>timefactor>amp.

      I’ve also tried it in the effects loop and in front of amp.

      I’ve updated the software, reset to factory settings, tried changing the bypass settings, etc….

      It isn’t cliiping the red peak light either.

      Am I missing something? Has anyone else had this issue?

      It’s out of warranty I’m afraid as it’s nearing 5 years old.

      Thanks for any input.


    • #139344
      Eventide Staff

        If it does this with the original power supply, with only a guitar and an amp connected, it would sound like a hardware fault, probably bad delay memory. Sorry.


        If you want it fixed, you should contact your dealer or support@eventide.com.


      • #139345

        Thanks for the input. I’ve exchanged a couple of emails with them. They want me to video the problem and send it to them so I’m working on that.

        It boils down to a financial decision for me. Any idea what you describe would cost roughly?


      • #139548

        I have the same issue at the moment! I’ll be making a video as well, and emailed customer support…funny that 7 years after your post, the issue still persists..

      • #139550

        Has happened to both of my Timefactors as well.


        The weird thing is that never happened with Space and Pitchfactor.

      • #139551

        Oh, and yes. Solution was unplug and plug back the ribbon cable that goes from one board to the other one.

        • #148823

          Como que você conseguiu desconectar o cabo? Eu não consegui!•

          How could you disconnect the cable? I could not!

        • #148868
          Eventide Staff
            Renansantos93 wrote:

            Como que você conseguiu desconectar o cabo? Eu não consegui!•

            How could you disconnect the cable? I could not!

            Which cable ?

            Qual cabo?

          • #148992
              spaceJam wrote:

              Oh, and yes. Solution was unplug and plug back the ribbon cable that goes from one board to the other one.

              I feel compelled to add my experience with the hope that someone finds it useful.  I bought a used Eventide SPACE and uppon arrival, experienced the exact same symptom as the original poster – random crackles and pops while playing (similar to when an audio signal clips).  In my case, this crackling occured more prominently when I used the wackier reverb algorithms like BLACKHOLE and SPIRAL (or what have you).  

              Since I live in Malaysia, the thought of having to send it across to the USA and pay the bench fee + shipping was just too costly.  So about an hour ago, I dismantled the stompbox and in doing so disconnected the ribbon cable that connects the two boards inside the stompbox.  When I put it all back together (including reconnecting the ribbon cable), I discovered that the crackling and popping have disappeared!!!  No, I don’t have any scientific explanation why unplugging/re-plugging the ribbon cable works, but I believe it does, somehow.

              I’m going to play with the unit for a few days and make sure the symptoms do not recur and I will report back if it does.  Thanks tcejbuS!

          • #139553

            Awesome. I’ll try that out.
            Thank you.

          • #139555

            I sent mine in to Eventide Support a couple of weeks ago. They experienced the same problem once they played it as well and are troubleshooting. Last I heard they were getting ready to replace the “DSP chip” and go from there. It’s a very expensive box that I’ve loved until a year or so ago when this issue started. Hopefully they’ll get is sorted asap.




          • #147314

            it appears i’m having the same problem

            thought it’s because of the extreme settings i like to use.  but I realize it might be getting a bit old and tired.


          • #149022

              I’m having exactly the same problem with my Space. All of a sudden it started some crackling and popping noises, which occur more often in the complex algorithms.
              It is definitely something related to the DSP chip ’cause even when I turn off the reverb, it is present in DSP and DSP+FX bypass settings, but totally disappears when I change to relay bypass.
              Since I live in Brazil and the shipping cost are exorbitant I’ll try reconnecting the ribbon cable also.
              Let’s see what happens…

              • #149023
                  Schilling wrote:
                  I’m having exactly the same problem with my Space. All of a sudden it started some crackling and popping noises, which occur more often in the complex algorithms. It is definitely something related to the DSP chip ’cause even when I turn off the reverb, it is present in DSP and DSP+FX bypass settings, but totally disappears when I change to relay bypass. Since I live in Brazil and the shipping cost are exorbitant I’ll try reconnecting the ribbon cable also. Let’s see what happens…


                  Hi Schilling, I’m sorry to tell you that I spoke too soon.  A couple of days after my last post, the crackles and pops reappears out of nowhere.  I haven’t decided whether to send it to Eventide (I will have to incur major shipping costs) or to just bite the bullet and get a H9.  I just wish that there is a simpler, more cost efficient fix that we can do ourselves.  All the best with resolving the issue.

                • #149026
                    hafizimran wrote:

                    Hi Schilling, I’m sorry to tell you that I spoke too soon.  A couple of days after my last post, the crackles and pops reappears out of nowhere.  I haven’t decided whether to send it to Eventide (I will have to incur major shipping costs) or to just bite the bullet and get a H9.  I just wish that there is a simpler, more cost efficient fix that we can do ourselves.  All the best with resolving the issue.

                    Ok. Thx buddy. Good to know. So, I’ll do the same and send my Space for repair sending it to Eventide.
                    The sad part is that I’ve already ended purchasing another reverb unit since I cannot wait the repair without a backup and I ‘ll probably sell the Space afterwards to lessen the loss with all costs involved.

                • #149025

                  I had the same problem with the timefactor and i was advised to initialize the pedal. It worked for me.

                • #151900

                  I have this same problem in timefactor, can anyone solve it?


                  I have this same problem in timefactor, can anyone solve it?

                • #155037

                  Oh man. I just discovered the noise being described this past weekend. It sounds almost like individual static snaps that occur intermittently. My searches led me here.


                  If anyone who had a repair done sees this, can you tell me what it cost you?

                • #155049
                    alstrs wrote:

                    If anyone who had a repair done sees this, can you tell me what it cost you?

                    I have mine already boxed up but still debating whether to send it halfway across the world for the repair. This was two years ago. 😛 Do let us know if you decide to go through with it.

                  • #155054
                    Eventide Staff
                      alstrs wrote:

                      Oh man. I just discovered the noise being described this past weekend. It sounds almost like individual static snaps that occur intermittently. My searches led me here.

                      Have you tried factory reset or reinstalling the firmware using the Direct Updater?

                    • #155078
                      bohan wrote:

                      Have you tried factory reset or reinstalling the firmware using the Direct Updater?

                      I did, and I didn’t hear any snaps for about a day, but now they’re back.

                    • #155093
                      Eventide Staff
                        alstrs wrote:

                        I did, and I didn't hear any snaps for about a day, but now they're back.

                        Are the snaps "effected" or coming after the wet effect?

                      • #155109
                        bohan wrote:

                        Are the snaps “effected” or coming after the wet effect?

                        Here’s another part of it. It may only be happening when I’m running wet/dry. I’m only hearing it on the dry channel (no matter which amp I use for dry), and it does go away when relay bypassed. It’s still present for DSP & DSP+FX bypass, though. I’m going to stay in mono for a couple days and see if it recurs.

                        Is there any accounting for why it might happen in wet/dry or other stereo modes, but not in mono? It’s not a ground hum; it’s an irregular staticky crackle. And it does go away in true bypass.

                        I appreciate you helping me work through this.

                      • #155114
                        alstrs wrote:

                        Here’s another part of it. It may only be happening when I’m running wet/dry. I’m only hearing it on the dry channel (no matter which amp I use for dry), and it does go away when relay bypassed. It’s still present for DSP & DSP+FX bypass, though. I’m going to stay in mono for a couple days and see if it recurs.

                        Is there any accounting for why it might happen in wet/dry or other stereo modes, but not in mono? It’s not a ground hum; it’s an irregular staticky crackle. And it does go away in true bypass.

                        I appreciate you helping me work through this.

                        I need to amend this previous statement. The noise is coming through both wet and dry amps, and also when I’m using only one amp on both wet and dry signal. Again, only when the effect is on or in DSP/DSP+F bypass mode; it goes away when relay bypass is engaged.

                      • #155115
                        Eventide Staff
                          alstrs wrote:

                          I need to amend this previous statement. The noise is coming through both wet and dry amps, and also when I'm using only one amp on both wet and dry signal. Again, only when the effect is on or in DSP/DSP+F bypass mode; it goes away when relay bypass is engaged.

                          OK. But if you just connect in mono (guitar -> input 1 -> output 1 -> amp), the noise is gone?

                        • #155120
                          bohan wrote:

                          OK. But if you just connect in mono (guitar -> input 1 -> output 1 -> amp), the noise is gone?

                          No, my initial assessment was incorrect. The noise is present in both stereo and mono configurations, and on both the wet and dry signal.

                          I also switched power adapters with my Space pedal to see if it might be a power issue. The TimeFactor was still clicking. The Space is clean.

                          I ran a direct signal into my audio interface too, and the clicks are present. I gave the inputs and outputs a cleaning with deoxit, but that hasn’t changed it.

                        • #155121
                          Eventide Staff
                            alstrs wrote:

                            No, my initial assessment was incorrect. The noise is present in both stereo and mono configurations, and on both the wet and dry signal.

                            It's probably a bad delay memory/DSP chip. If reinstalling the firmware and complete factory reset couldn't fix it, you might need to send it in for repair.

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