TimeFactor – sharing/swapping custom presets

Home Forums Products Stompboxes TimeFactor – sharing/swapping custom presets

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    • #107804

      Is there a way, or a facility on the Eventide site, for sharing customised presets, by uploading my own or downloading those others have made that they are proud of?

    • #121931

        Yep, look at the sticky on the top of this forum, titled "Share your Presets here"


      • #121952

        Yes, my apologies, I'd done a quick scan and search and couldn't see anything – which in itself did surprise me – then lo and behold, ten seconds after putting up the post… it's always the way; I did try to find a way of removing  the post, but couldn't find that either.. thanks for your patience.

      • #133183

          No worries man, happy to help.

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