Timefactor – US-EU Versions? 115V-230V?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Timefactor – US-EU Versions? 115V-230V?

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    • #105363

      Hi, i'm from Germany and my brother got me a timefactor from the US for birthday (great guy!). But now i'm a bit worried – i heard, there are different versions, i.e. 115V for US and 230V for europe!? does this mean, that i need a step-down converter or isn't it just a case with the power supply.
      I thought, i just need to get the european power supply, but i wanted to check this first here.
      If a EU-power supply would do, where can i get it?! the new website is great, but i didn't find a "where to get" or a list of dealers.

      btw – i'm located near munich!

      please help – i still couldn't test the unit! and i'm burning for it!


    • #116983

         Hi diegoarts,

        What a cool brother you have! Don't worry, your TimeFactor will work in Europe. You can purchase international power supplies for Eventide Stompboxes at our web store located here:



      • #117020

        Hey Alan,

        thank you very much, what great news! and what a mole am i not to see the store button?! 😉
        …btw – you're right – my brother IS cool! 🙂




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