Timefactor: Viewing current settings & pop/delay when switching banks

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    • #111797


      I have 2 questions.

      1.  Is there a way to view a current setting for a preset?  For example, if I'm on the Classic Slapback and I wan to view the delay setting for that, if I turn the knob it jumps to where the knob is located.  Is there a way I can view what the current setting is for any given knob?

      2. I'm noticing a pop and delay when I switch banks, then engage a preset.  For example, say I'm on Bank 2, Preset 2.  I switch to Bank 1, then I tap the Bank 1 button, there is a delay and pop.  I'm finding that before a song, I have to switch banks and quick tap on and off preset 1 so it doesn't do that.  This is pretty noticable using one of the phaser presets.



    • #126353


        1.  Is there a way to view a current setting for a preset?  For example, if I'm on the Classic Slapback and I wan to view the delay setting for that, if I turn the knob it jumps to where the knob is located.  Is there a way I can view what the current setting is for any given knob?

        Well, you can put your pedal in Catch-Up mode and then turning the knob won't have any effect until you turn the knob to match the parameter's current value.


        2. I'm noticing a pop and delay when I switch banks, then engage a preset.  For example, say I'm on Bank 2, Preset 2.  I switch to Bank 1, then I tap the Bank 1 button, there is a delay and pop.  I'm finding that before a song, I have to switch banks and quick tap on and off preset 1 so it doesn't do that.  This is pretty noticable using one of the phaser presets.

        What software is running on your TimeFactor?  If you tell us the names of two factory presets where you're hearing this, we'll have to make sure we don't hear anything similar in the new TImeFactor release we're working on.

      • #126354


        I am running the latest software, just updated a couple months ago.  I will check out the Catch Up mode.

        I am moving from the Pristine Delay preset, to the PhaserEcho preset.  I moved them around so they are in the original banks.


      • #126355

        Also, is there an estimated timeframe for the new software?

      • #137038

          My colleague, Russ, posted an estimate to the gearpage yesterday in response to the same question. He said "The Timefactor Beta should be coming very soon (the next few weeks)".


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