Timfactor serial/shield

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    • #105360

      From what serial up is the shield installed? I just received a brand new Timefactor from Sweetwater with serial# 368…

    • #116975

      Hi Trazan,

      Our records indicate that serial number TF-00368 show that it was shipped with the shield installed from production. If you are experiencing any technical issues with the unit, please email support@eventide.com with details of your issue, and we?ll assist you promptly.

      Best of luck!

      D. Rooney
      Audio Support Technician
      Eventide Inc.

    • #116976

       That's good to hear! No, I haven't even tried it out yet, it's just that the # seemed like a quite low one so I wanted to check before I unpacked everything. Thanks Yes

    • #127988

        what is a shield?
        do I have one on my TF-00163?


      • #128006

        Hi Teddybutter,

        The shielding is added to the input circuitry to protect it from outside noise. However it was determined that when certain guitars with very high impedance pickups are connected directly to TimeFactor?s input, the input circuit becomes sensitive to stray noise. This noise does not occur with all guitars nor when the TimeFactor is preceded by another pedal or connected in the amp?s effects loop

        Our records show that your TimeFactor does not have the shield installed, but it may not need it depending on the additional equipment you employ in your rig. If you find that you do experience any erroneous noise, feel free to contact us in the support department for further assistance.

        D. Rooney
        Audio Support Technician
        Eventide Inc.

      • #129503

        My Tf does have a hissing noise going through the FX loop and in front of the amp. It sounds like a shielding problem but It just might be my power source I am using the eventide power supply into a Monster Noise Suppressing Power Strip So I am not sure if it could really be the problem.

        Can you tell me if Mine has the Shielding update? I emailed Support but have not gotten a response in 3 days.
        Serial # : 03510

      • #129504

        Hi Hansel,

        Please note that our Support Department is closed on Saturdays and Sundays. It is possible that the power strip you are using could be the culprit, however if you are connecting in the TimeFactor in front of your amp and within the FX loop of the amp (and your amps loop isn't buffered), the TimeFactor is acting like a buffer that is allowing high frequencies to be present that are lost when not using a buffer. Alot of amps have FX loops that are buffered but oftentimes vintage or boutique amps will not, so to combat the problem you are experiencing placing a buffered pedal before the TimeFactor will alleviate what you are experiencing. You may also select DSP Bypass mode as another alternative.

        Your TimeFactor's serial number has the shield including from the factory.

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